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Background on that credit cooperative Toda tried that failed - because he made bad decisions and was too incompetent to hire qualified staff?

Sounds kinda like somebody who goes bankrupt in the casino business, right? But we're told over and over and over that Toda was "a successful businessman". Let's take a look at one of the rare examples of his supposed business savvy, which is rare because, while SGI tells us that Toda had "ten businesses" or "seventeen businesses", it only identifies TWO - the publishing company that went bankrupt and the failed credit cooperative.
Anyhow, on to business! This is all from The Human Revolution, Vol. 2, First Edition 1974. First, a bit of a lead-in about the failing publishing company because that's an integral part of the narrative:
When word got out about the condition the company was in, Toda's associates in the publishing field were certain to react in different ways. Some would sympathize, others would laugh, and perhaps some would make derogatory comments about Toda's abilities in business.
Perhaps 😐
But none of this would alter him.
Why not? If you fail at something, shouldn't the thought at least cross your mind that you need to do something different to avoid that outcome again? If you were able to understand why you failed, wouldn't that knowledge help you perhaps make better decisions in the future? Ah, but that would require change, something Ikeda prides himself on never doing, so naturally, his "mentor" would never, either.
Let the publishing firm stop operations, let it go bankrupt, Josei Toda was and would remain a man with a great mission.
See, when people can't focus on their work, they don't tend to do as well. This is one of the dangerous aspects of religious zealotry.
But he would always rise to the top again. That was the kind of man he was, and Yamamoto was certain that some day the whole world would come to understand and respect this great personality. (p. 200)
Made to order in his ghostwritten fictitious novels! But the truth peeks out once in a while from under the sloppy covering of lies. Let's back up a few pages and see what led up to all this.
As one of the initial steps to implement the Dodge Line, all new loans from the Financial Bank for Reconstruction were halted. This dealt industry a crippling blow and caused a panic in financial circles that had immediate repercussions in the offices of Josei Toda's publishing firm.
Reopened after the war primarily to serve as a basis for the rebuilding of the Soka Gakkai
THERE's a big problem right there....
Toda's company, Nihon Shogakkan, had in that sense been a success, largely due to his efficient and able management. But it was already financially shaky when the Dodge Line, by stimulating a tight-money policy in local banks, seriously reduced Toda's operational funds.
Okay - let's pause here. It appears that Toda's supposed "efficient and able management" was all about restarting the Soka Gakkai. What we learn here is that Toda's company is "financially shaky" - it is only surviving thanks to infusions of other people's money in the form of bank loans. His publishing business is NOT profitable, though earlier we were told it was! If the only way you can stay open is by taking out loans on an ongoing basis, you're insolvent.
It is possible that he ought to have acted quickly to reduce business expenses by cutting back on the staff and effecting other emergency methods.
Yes, that would have been consistent with "efficient and able management" IF that "efficient and able management" had been referring to the management of his publishing business.
But he could not because he was fundamentally positive and humane in business. He could not find it in his heart to fire people who had been loyal to him, the company, and Soka Gakkai through very trying times. Perhaps he was not cold-blooded enough to succeed in modern business.
Or perhaps he simply WASN'T capable of "efficient and able management".
But that would mean he wasn't a successful businessman, and the whole rest of the narrative insists that he WAS a successful businessman! None of this is making any narrative sense.
A resourceful man, never at a loss for fresh ideas, especially in times of trouble, Toda gave much thought to his predicament. At last he decided that when money is tight the way to profit is to open a credit association. A small moneylending business would provide the operational funds so badly needed by his publishing firm. As luck would have it, something promising in this line turned up quite soon.
Sense of foreboding...rising...rising...
One morning in June, 1949, Toda received an unexpected visit from Taro Kurikawa, an old acquaintance who had been kind enough to lend office space to Toda when he first reopened the publishing business after the war.
This source stated plainly that Toda bought the whole building at the very beginning. With his own money.
The two men discussed many things, including the Dodge Line and the menacing effect it was having on Toda's business. Kurikawa, who had once been a member of the Tokyo metropolitan assembly, had many friends.
Maybe HE should be the one starting a credit cooperative!😃
When Toda told him of his idea to start a small finance company, Kurikawa listened attentively. Then slapping his thigh, he suddenly said: "I've got it. You're right that in times like these lending money is the only way to survive, and I just got wind of some news that might interest you."
Isn't that a strange way of thinking? That when people don't have any money, the best way to MAKE money is to lend THEM money? How are they going to pay it back if they don't have any money? Isn't that predatory and UGLY?? Like loan-sharking?? DEFINITELY non-Buddhist!
"It's not definite yet, but I hear that an old acquaintance of mine - Toru Oi - is trying to convert his consumers' guild into a credit cooperative. He used to be a high government offical; but he's gotten old, and it would be dangerous for him to assume management of a business."
WHY "dangerous"??
"So far, he is having difficulties changing his guild into a credit company because he can't find the right partner. That's where you come in with your great knack for business."
Ha ha ha.
There it is again.
"What do you think? I'll help too, if you need me. If you're interested, I could call on him today and check the matter out."
Toda knew too much about business to become overly enthusiastic over all offers presented. After thinking a minute he said: "It's not a bad idea, but it wouldn't be so easy to make a success of something like that. To be frank, if someone else had come to me with the plan, I'd have turned it down."
Odd...if he really "knew so much about business".
"Oi is absolutely all right, except for his age. There will be some legal problems, but since the investor will be the same person, they shouldn't amount to much. It's not as if you were starting a new company from scratch; you'll just be changing an old one."
This doesn't sound very good...
From what Kurikawa said, it appeared that the new firm could start operations immediately. Still Toda hesitated: "Are you sure this consumers' guild isn't in danger of going broke? I couldn't afford to take on anything unsound at this stage in the game."
Does anyone know what a "consumers' guild" even is?
"No. It's not making much, but I know for certain that it's not in the red, either," said Kurikawa.
Doth the lady protest too much?
"I'll talk to OI, see what he says, and call you again. Maybe you could arrange a meeting in a few days."
"All right," said Toda. "We can meet first. I'll decide whether to get involved in this after we've met."
A few days later, Toda met Mr. Oi, who explained to him the legal procedures for changing the present status to that of a credit cooperative. He then outlined the running of the company, listed the board of directors, and briefly related their duties. Toda was appalled at the inefficiency with which Oi managed things. But the very challenge of taking on such a company, which was not in fact in desperate financial straits
Methinks the lady doth protest too much!
whetted his appetite for business.
So here we've got someone who knows nothing about this type of business, who considers himself qualified to judge whether it's solvent or not - given that there were not audit provisions or reporting requirements for businesses like there are today. Why couldn't "Oi" have shown him falsified financial statements? Toda would have never known...
Toda accepted the offer of partnership that Oi made and set out immediately to take the necessary legal steps.
Notice that this credit cooperative is originally a partnership but becomes solely Toda's as the narrative goes on. Even though it originally had its own board of directors, who would have stayed in place if this had been a partnership bringing a new partner on board as described. What about them?
...the new company, named the Toko Credit Cooperative, finally opened in the fall. The offices were on the first floor of Toda's Nihon Shogakkan
Remember, that building TODA purchased.
and most of the staff, too, came from the publishing company. (pp. 190-193)
Why would anyone think that people who had worked for a publishing company would know anything about how to run a credit cooperative? The savvy businessperson, when embarking on a new venture, hires the most qualified people that can be found in that type of business! NOT people from church, neighbors, relatives, and that guy he has drinks with at the bar most Thursday nights!
In contrast to the rising trends in Soka Gakkai affairs, the Nihon Shogakkan publishing company pursued a steady downhill course. The tight-money policy, overproduction in the publishing business, and finally, the rebirth of many of the popular magazines that had been discontinued during the war defeated small publishing houses. Toda's magazines, Ruby and Boys' Adventures, had done well at first, even when book sales were dropping.
That's because they were PORN: Take a look.
This is a page from Ruby.
But soon these two periodicals could no longer withstand competition from the big magazines. Ruby failed first, as large numbers of issues were returned unsold each month. Boys' Adventures managed somehow to stay in the black for a while. In August, 1949, Toda changed its name to The Boy of Japan in the hope of attracting buyers, but by autumn unsold copies had reached eighty percent of all issues printed.
Changing the NAME and not the CONTENT to fix a failing publication seems like a BAD business decision to me.
One chilly, cloudy fall morning, Toda assembled his employees in the main office and had Okumura, the accountant, give a full statement of the financial status of the firm. The figures that Okumura read in a dispirited voice left no room for doubt: the company was facing a severe crisis, with a deficit of millions of yen each month.
See? It was only loans from the bank that were keeping the company afloat.
Until that moment, many of these people had not opened their eyes to the true significance of the returned books, the unsold magazines, the unpaid bills, and the complaints about arrears from the printing and paper companies. For one thing, the glow of happiness they had experienced at the wonderfully successful fourth general meeting of Soka Gakkai still lingered.
This should illustrate the danger of mixing religious zealotry with business. Religious zealotry makes people addled.
But more important, no one who worked for Toda could believe that he would not somehow pull them out of any preidcament. While realizing that the company was in trouble they nevertheless continued to trust that Toda would fix it all.
Oh, where, oh where is someone who can STAND UP??
"I have thrown this open to you becasue I trust you and need your suggestions," Toda said, addressing everyone present.
"Those figures must be wrong," came a voice from the back of the room.
"Figures don't lie," retorted Toda. "And Okumura arrived at these figures after long and very careful calculations. Human beings - especially people who lack strength - interpret things the way they want them to be.
"You're weak, you worthless worms!"
Also, preaching.
"When it is convenient, they can convince themselves that black is white. But cold, hard figures can't be treated that way: you can't make a credit out of a debit.
Actually, that is very easy to do! Debits are your assets; credits are your liabilities. You can use your "debits" as a down payment for something; then all you have left are the "credits" for what you are on the hook to pay back! Sheesh. Obviously, these ghostwriters weren't accountants or even Accounting Honors Students!
"Figures do nothing but illuminate the incontrovertible facts, and recognizing them frankly for what they are takes courage. The way a person acts on the basis of these frightening figures shows what kind of stuff he is made of. Facing the facts and using them is what is meant by true human strength."
Ugh. MORE preaching.
The employees believed for a moment that this remark was another one of Toda's introductions to a splendid solution. But from his solemn look and from what he said next they saw that the situation was grave.
That ol' incompetent omniscient narrator again. SUCH terrible writing.
"I'm serious. If any of you have any ideas to offer, please speak up. These figures are not just correct, I suspect they are optimistic. They are still incomplete, for one thing. The number of returned magazines covers only the period ending three months ago. We can be fairly sure that when the rest of the figures are in the picture will be still darker. Since the situation is certain to get worse, we've got to put our minds to it now. Don't misunderstand me; I'm not blaming you. I only want your ideas and opinions."
THIS isn't "leadership". And it isn't the clerks' job to figure out how to save the company. They weren't even aware of the company's desperate situation.
Bewildered by the gloomy outlook of the company and by Toda's complete lack of his usual wit and humor, no one had anything to suggest.
"Well," said Toda, "it's not surprising that you have nothing to say on such short notice. I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I have only one idea. We must stop publishing. It may be that in the near future we can start again, but examining the pluses and minuses has convinced me that we must stop right now. If we do not, we will only be adding to our deficit, no matter how hard we work."
"Of course, I shall expect all of you to do your best in cleaning up the remaining affairs of the publishing company. We'll gradually start thinking about what future steps to take at the proper time. I hope you'll all take this bravely. Try not to be discouraged. Remember that I expect a lot from my disciples. Stopping publication is hard on us, but we won't be causing anyone else any trouble."
As they drifted aimlessly back to their desks, the employees of Nihon Shogakkan were in a state of semishock. The publishing company was going to close down. Toda's words of encouragement
THAT's what passed for "encouragement"??
had little effect. Many of the people thought most seriously about what they would do for a living if the company closed permanently. Still, all of them cared enough about Toda not to betray such feelings by so much as a look, let alone a word.
Because that's the Japanese way.
The news of the cessation of publishing activities came as a deep shock to Shin'ichi Yamamoto. Since joining Toda's firm in January, 1949, he had devoted himself to the magazine Boys' Adventures, which had gained some popularity. In May he had been appointed editor-in-chief of the magazine.
Recall that Ikeda had been employed at a different publishing company before he came to work for Toda.
... A sense of accomplishment and happiness at his promotion inspired Yamamoto to devote all his time to the magazine, of which he was proud. His work brought him into closer contact with many small children.


He watched them fondly as they played pranks, laughed, cried over quarrels, or chewed their pencils as they puzzled over difficult problems in their textbooks. Often he felt an impulse to hold them in his arms. He felt that he would be willing to do anything for them.
What IS this? This is so weird! And remember, once Ikeda had children of his own, he turned into the world's foremost absentee father and deadbeat dad! Is this supposed to gloss over THAT uncomfortable fact?
... Yamamoto's personality and and his ardor for his magazine won him friends among the artists and their families. From time to time, when writers or painters were out of sorts, the charm of Yamamoto's way triumphed over their bad humor and enabled them to finish on time tasks that otherwise might have been late. For the most thorny personal problems, Yamamoto called on the intercession of wives and other family members. He always made a good impression and won the affection and confidence of everyone with whom he came into contact. As he learned the many aspects of his work, day by day Yamamoto found it more interesting and worthwhile. Gradually, as he became proficient in his tasks, his self-confidence grew and fed his aspirations for the future.
Gaaah - my fingers just threw up all over the keyboard. Gimme a minute...
In the fall of 1949, he started working on ambitious plans for a special New Year issue of The Boy of Japan, as the magazine was by then called. Blah blah blah.
Because his hopes were high, the announcement of plans to halt publication came as an especially great blow to Yamamoto. It was almost as if an airplane that he had been piloting had suddenly lost power and started hurtling earthward. He saw with painful clarity that he could do nothing but resign
If only!
himself to the collapse of his beloved boys' magazine.
Yeesh, such overblown, puffy, florid prose. Yeah, we get it - reality sometimes bites. And having to FACE reality can be painful, especially when one has obviously been operating from a position of delusion. But lay off the flowery phrasing a little...
Fortunately, a messenger boy from a printing company came in with the galley proofs of the December issue of the magazine. Remembering what Toda had said about not letting the halt of publications interfere with outstanding business, Yamamoto started thumbing through the pages of proof. As the smell of fresh printer's ink filled his nostrils, Yamamoto quickly became absorbed in his task, aware all the while that perhaps this was the last work he would ever do on the magazine to which he had devoted so much love and care. When he finished his proof, he looked at his watch and saw that he had read through the lunch hour. He was hungry.
Big boy's gotta eat!
Yamamoto started chewing on the proofs.
Deciding to go out for something to eat, he rose and moved toward the front door of the office.
What, they couldn't just write, "He got up and headed out" instead??
As Yamamoto passed the reception area, he caught a glimpse of Toda laughing happily over a game of Japanese chess that he was playing with a frequent visitor to the company.

"What a man!" thought Yamamoto.

There he sat playing a game as if nothing was wrong, when only this morning he had announced that the company was about to collapse. (pp. 194-199)
While the rest of Toda's employees suffered under the paralyzing effects of the bad news, Yamamoto set briskly about his afternoon errands. First, he had to call on an artist to pay for some work. Then he had to pick up the plate for an ink drawing for the December issue of The Boy of Japan.
The artist's house was cold, bleak, and disorderly; but the man had apparently been eagerly awaiting Yamamoto's visit. ...Almost before he was aware of it, Yamamoto was talking about Nichiren Shoshu and the philosophy of Nichiren Daishonin. He did not intend to try and convert the artist.
SUUUURE he didn't...
In fact, he was still not actually talking with that aim in mind. But the painter became very interested. Though he had no knowledge of Buddhism, what Yamamoto told him fired his imagination. Before they parted, the painter said he would like to discuss the matter more fully some other time. Yamamoto, after promising to contact him again soon, went out into the twilight. (pp. 201-202)
...and that's the last we ever hear of this artist/painter! I suspect this vignette was inserted for the sole purpose of making it appear that Ikeda had ever attempted shakubuku, even inadvertently. Because Ikeda has never shakubukued ANYONE! Not ONE of those "world leaders" Ikeda has paid for a photo-op with held DIALOGUES with ever converted... SENSEIFAIL!!
The day the last issue of The Boy of Japan - the December issue - came off the press, the weather was clear and bright outside the Kanda offices of Nihon Shogakkan. Inside, a gloomy silence reigned. As Shin'ichi Yamamoto sat caressingly reading the final product of his work
others in the office were whispering among themselves about where they would go to work and what they would do when the company finally collapsed, which it was certain to do within a matter of days.
As a matter of fact, on the very next day, Toda called his staff together to announce the closing of the publishing company and, on a more hopeful note, to explain the nature and policies of the new credit cooperative. All members of the publishing staff who wished to remain were automatically put on the payroll of the credit company as soon as Shogakkan was officially declared closed. Toda had sensed the dissatisfaction and insecurity of his staff members and he held this meeting of explanation in an attempt to calm fears.
Ugh. SUCH awkward writing.
While relating stories of his many years of management experience and the successes and failures he had lived through, he illustrated his points by referring to the basic principles of both communism and capitalism. He explained what a credit cooperative is
We were just told that same information only a few sentences ago...
and went on to relate why he had decided to undertake this kind of enterprise, showing wherein he saw hope for its future development and growth.
Blah blah blah. Lecture, preach, lecture. Ugh.
Yamamoto realized that much of what Toda said was not being sympathetically received by members of the organization who were already planning to quit at the earliest chance.
Why not yesterday? Or right NOW if they truly had such intent?
Nonetheless, he was deeply moved by the speech, especially when Toda concluded with: "All business enterprises are subject to rises and falls. Economics, like all other things, has its own rules, which cannot be ignored. Once those rules are understood, it is effort, enthusiasm, and patience that determine the success or failure of a company.
Wow - pretty OBLIVIOUS to be lecturing/preaching at his staff like this when his OWN company has just failed. No self-awareness at ALL, that Toda!
Meanwhile, Ikeda: "What a man!"
"Hard work is the same in all companies, big and small. As far as my experience teaches, as long as people are not afraid of hard work, even though things may sometimes seem desperate, a way will always be found."
Before adjourning the meeting, Toda instructed Okumura to divide all cash on hand equally and to distribute it among his employees as part of their salaries. None of them ever knew how valuable that money could have been to the firm itself. (p. 203-204)
Another for our #ThatHappened files. The biz is supposedly insolvent, can't pay its bills, is months behind in its bills, yet they have money to pay "an artist" and to hand out as a lovely parting gift for the staff who are just transferring directly over to the new credit cooperative. WHY would he give them the business' money when he'd already given them new jobs to slide right on over into?? Without even a day's loss of pay?? THAT's not competent management.
This is the end of 1949.
What they're also not coming right out and stating plainly is that Toda started up a lending operation, and that he lent money to desperate people as incentive to join his Soka Gakkai.
From around the spring of 1950, the performance of Toda's credit association fell into decline and its business operations were suspended. In August, Toda announced he was stepping down from his position as general director of the Soka Gakkai in order to prevent his business problems from negatively impacting the organization. Source
BOY, THAT ship went down fast! Didn't even make it out of the harbor!
Notice that Ikeda started working for Toda in early 1949. There are reports that Ikeda was involved in collections. Notice that, once Ikeda got involved, Toda became more successful, though it's typically couched in terms of how many more families they convinced to convert. One can only wonder how much of this was because these families were on the hook to Toda because they owed him money. This type of private lending was probably completely unregulated as well - along the lines of the "payday loans" businesses that charge astronomical interest rates and get people caught up in a cycle where they can never pay back their debts and must be constantly borrowing more and more and more. There's a whole "honor code" in Japanese culture that we gaijin have no way of understanding - Japanese people will often go to great lengths and do all sorts of unimaginable stuff just to avoid "losing face" and because they owe someone else. Source
Is it possible that Toda got into one of the prison gangs for a lot of money while he was incarcerated and had to quick pay off some deadly debts? I've seen "Drive" and "Shot Caller" - I know how that works. Pretty quick to drive the credit cooperative straight into the ground, given that he was just a partner AND there was supposed to be a board of directors watching over the operations! Whatever happened to the board and Oi?? See how it's suddenly ALL Toda's?
submitted by BlancheFromage to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

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The Benefits of Blindness: The Contract...Ch.4

CHAPTER 4: The Contract
“Hello, Master Faruthian,” the balding, middle-aged scribe greets Stokley with a pleasing smile.
Schunk, schuunkk, schuuuuunk!
The heavy press slams, sending a shudder through Stokley’s ears.
“My name is Sclerian Eupator. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance, sire. I have the pleasure of serving as your officiator.” Sparkling silver thread shimmers in swirling patterns beneath the surface of his yellow toga.
Sclerian stands and motions toward a stool under the table’s edge. “Please, have a seat, sire. As this may take a while.”
“No, thanks, I’ve been sitting all afternoon. I’d rather stand, for now, if it’s all the same to you, sir,” Stokley replies, folding his arms behind his back.
“Suit yourself, sire.” Sclerian pushes a long, vermillion quill pen, a matching marble inkpot, and three papyrus scrolls, pinning the top and bottom ends of each scroll to the table using a set of black-ivory figurines. Seven replicas of the island’s most notorious residents stare back in defiance: rattler scorpion, trigger spider, damocles fly, palpalyne plant, myrmr queen, god mantis, zombie wasp.
Schunk, schuunkk, schuuuuunk!
“I’m here to help you complete the petition for membership in the Community of Heirs. As regrettably tedious as this may seem, it is necessary, rest assured. If you only knew the trouble still caused by the inadequacy of our early clerical policies, you’d be amazed we lasted the first few decades, let alone to this day, but I digress.” Sclerian looks around briefly on the table behind him, flinching again suddenly.
Schunk, schuunkk, schuuuuunk!
“Now, where was I? Oh, yes, these first few documents.” Sclerian runs two ink-stained forefingers along the oversized text at the head of each scroll. “These officially record, in triplicate, that you are Stokley Faruthian, born in the city of Tien-Tay, in the Duchy of Han-Zen, in the Sacred Sargosian Empire, on the Fourth day of the Third month after the Winter Solstice, in the Three Hundred and Twenty-Third year after the establishment of the International Trade Consortium, or the first year of the reign of the Emperor Shadislaw II, also commonly known as, ‘Year One of the Second Fox.’”
“That’s my name and where I live, and my birthday’s the fourth of First Market month, which is the third month of the year. That’s the same thing, right?” Eyes squint as he bends over, inspecting the scrolls.
“Yes, it is.”
“Good, and I was born in the first year of the Second Fox, that’s also right. What else does it say here at the bottom?”
“Can you not read the Sargosian script?” Sclerian’s purple eyes narrow down to the size of pin holes in his pink face.
“Course I can read Sargosian!” he retorts. “The text, it’s just so small. I can barely make out the words.” Stokley refocuses as he steps away from the table.
“That’s right, how could I forget the Faruthian propensity for farsightedness? My apologies, sire. Here, use this.” Sclerian places a thick glass lens on the flattened scroll. “Is that better?”
“Yes, thank you.” He moves the palm-sized lens along the papyrus, instantly magnifying the writing, allowing his eyes to decipher its contents.
“When you have read the scrolls to your satisfaction, sign your name along that line.”
“What did you mean, ‘Faruthian propensity for far-sightedness’?” Stokley asks after reading the documents.
“I’ve found, out of the five Faruthians whose inheritance I have had the honor of administering, all have been far--.”
“I’m your sixth Faruthian? The first five, were they my brothers or cousins? I never knew I had any family. The way Matron Maggotte at the state home always spat it out, I figured she made the name up and gave it to me out of spite.”
“Oh, I suppose, they may have been distant relations. You see, Faruthian is your clan name, taken from the old Tangril tongue meaning ‘sons of Faruth’ in honor of the first of your progenitors to step foot on Perelandreia. If we might continue, this is yours.” Sclerian presents a polished brass seal attached to a necklace of silver chain.
“It’s your personal seal, also known as a ‘kartush.’ You’ll need it to finish authenticating the documents.” Presenting as if handing over a sacred relic, he waits with patience for the youth to pluck the seal from his palms. Fingers free once more, Sclerian grabs the next set of scrolls and opens a slide in the golden press.
“Here, we have to make these in triplicate. But first, if you would carefully place your kartush inside the press, please.”
“Right here?” Stokley points at the small sliding tray in the side of the complex device.
“Yes, that’s it, right there.”
Compelled from his fingers, the kartush falls into the tray as if pulled by an invisible force the moment he places it within a few inches of the opening, closing inward with a click. Sclerian maneuvers all three scrolls horizontally and adjusts several knobs while looking through a lens attached to the opposite side of the press. Satisfied, he pushes another lever into place and glances up at Stokley.
“If you would do the honors, sire.” Sclerian motions toward the fist-sized, ivory-handled lever.
“This one?”
Schunk, schuunkk, schuuuuunk!
Squeezing his eyes shut, he pauses for a moment before instructing Stokley again, “Yes, if you would pull it down firmly. You need not slam it, as some of your colleagues seem to find necessary.” Sclerian raises his voice and stares down the table at the other officiators, none of whom take any notice.
“You want me to pull it down?”
“Yes, hold it there momentarily until I indicate to reverse the lever. I will then adjust the press and we’ll complete the process for the final two copies.”
Schunk, schuunkk, schuuuuunk!
Sclerian lays out three new scrolls after completing the first set. Identical to the first in form and organization, but they’re written in the distinct, pictorial characters of SisterScript rather than the more elegant, if abstract, lines and slashes composing the ancient Sargosian writing system.
SisterScript, but what do they say?” Stokley asks, knowing the answer but preferring to appear ignorant, a technique he favors for deducing the honesty of strangers.
“You were not educated in SisterScript at Han-Zen State Home Nine? We were informed that your skills in the language were considerable, is that not so?”
“Maybe I’m just rusty. It’s been almost a year since I left. To tell you the truth I haven’t really had any practice. Let me look a little closer,” he lies, palming the lens over the papyrus and performing the translation with ease. He spends the next several minutes conspicuously struggling, continuing the deception. “They’re duplicates of the first scroll.”
“Hmm,” Sclerian mumbles. “More confirmations of your birth-date, location of birth and identity. These are for the official records housed in the Palace of Perpetuity in the Great City of Praeto.”
Schunk, schuunkk, schuuuuunk!
“This is an indemnification against damages and identification of the Community of Heirs as next of kin.” Sclerian places another set of documents on the table. “We just need your signature and kartush here, here, here, here, there, this spot, over here, that place there, there, there, and here.”
How does he keep his toga so spotless with those hands? Wow! Stokley marvels as Sclerian’s ink-filthy fingers flitter above the scrolls. An eye-ball sized ruby glimmers from his purple pinky. How could he wear that ring on that hand? It’s sacrilege.
“Indemnification against damages?” Stokley asks, distracted by the hypnotic effect of the blinking jewel, the largest ruby he’s ever seen, and so close!
“Yes, well, in the course of your preparation, training, or career in the service, if anything should happen to your physical person, your inheritance and possessions would revert back to the Oroboro Exchange Cartel via the Community of Heirs. This clause also prevents any right to legally recognizable marriage by the heir without authorization of the Community and forbids inheritance by any future children the heir may produce, unless that child is made a ward of the Community, which applies to all members without exception. Even the Commodore cannot bequeath so much as a single share of stock when he dies.”
“I’ve never been concerned about making a family. But what about this ‘indemnification against damages?’ What kind of damages are we talking about here?”
“As a legally binding contract applicable in international jurisdiction, potentially entitling the candidate to the greatest fortune in the known or unknown world, I’m sure you can understand every circumstance must be accounted for. And, since death is common to us all, the recourse in its event must be accounted for as well. That being said, the training and evaluation process can be challenging, and not everyone survives.”
“What is this, ‘training and evaluation process?’” Stokley asks, pausing over the next scroll. “And what do you mean, ‘not everyone survives’?” Stokley asks, trying desperately not to stare at the ruby glaring at him from the end of Sclerian’s hand.
“To ascertain your usefulness, we must evaluate each heir prior to placement. This involves various activities where you will travel extensively throughout the interior with your own bonded team of Kyte-Sen-Koo, whom you will receive shortly. Even with the protection of your body men we must say the process is, like all activities taking place on Perelandraia, not without certain risks which I’m sure you can envision.”
“Um, why don’t you help me out with that, what are we talking about here?”
“Unfortunately for assuaging your understandable concern, there are certain elements of the evaluation to which even we officiators are not privy. Thus, even if they didn’t forbid me from revealing proprietary information, I would still find myself unable to answer your question.”
“If you prefer not to continue, you have the option of formally renouncing your inheritance. A fair warning, heirs choosing to do so forgo all rights of claim on membership in the Community of Heirs of the Grande and Noble Oroboro Exchange Cartel, the decision being permanent and irrevocable,” Sclerian rattles off rapidly.
“Wait a second,” Stokley interjects out of instinct.
Sclerian continues the ‘take away’ clause, “We will then grant you safe passage to any port in the known world and an official O.E.C. note of tender worth fifteen thousand sisterpieces, at current rates of exchange, and refundable at any Imperial Bank or Bourse House within the network of the International Trade Consortium. Or, virtually anywhere else in the Seven Semi-Continents you may desire to go.”
“Fifteen thousand pieces of seven? And all I have to do is sign and sail away, I don’t have to do anything else?”
With fifteen thousand in cartel currency and free passage to Praeto, who knows what could happen! Stokley has little difficulty imagining himself parlaying this newfound wealth into an eventual stake in one of the many high-class casinos lining the great city of Praeto’s legendary Lilac Lagoons. Delusions of densely packed gambling halls with velvet roped V.I.P. sections waft through his head, the rich aroma of his own wishful thinking.
“Yes, that’s correct. Fifteen thousand in pieces of seven is certainly a considerable amount of capital for many men. But it would seem a paltry sum next to the regular stipend drawn by any member of the Community, to say nothing of its high-ranking members, not to mention the Board.”
A ray of sunlight refracts through the scribe’s ring, pulling Stokley from his reverie. He recalls the dozens of black pearls falling through the cracks of the Courtyard without a soul sent to collect them. And he considers all of those boxes in transit throughout the Mother’s Myrth. This inspires speculation as to the thousands of containers already resting in the holds of Bottany Bay and the tens of thousands sailing to every port in the Seven. Measured against such unfathomable wealth, fifteen thousand sisterpieces reverts from a windfall into an insult. And, as it has for so many others, the siren’s song of limitless fortune bends Stokley to her will.
“How dangerous is this process?”
“I shan’t lie to you. Not all survive. I’ve never had a Faruthian fail though!” Sclerian replies, pride glinting in his purple eyes.
submitted by cottonwisper to HFY [link] [comments]

[USA-NJ] [H] 2DS Console, games for most Nintendo consoles, PS1/2, Nintendo Powers, collectibles [W] CIB's: Fire Emblem, Kirby's Dream Land 2, Mega Man X Command Mission with card, list, offers

Adding a bunch of items since my last post!
I have 90+ confirmed trades. Also, fair warning, these lists are long, I have a lot of stuff for trade! Looking to do fair value but where I have an item that is worn / in poor shape I value that lower than eBay averages due to condition. Also bolded items are hard trades and I usually only trade limited print Switch games for other limited print Switch games (with some exceptions).
p.s. "CIB" means complete, as in including all the booklets and such that were supposed to come in there, otherwise I will clarify what is included. "NIB" means New In Box, aka sealed, "brand new," in the shrink, etc.
p.p.s. If we are going to trade, all I ask is please be honest about the condition of your items. I can provide pictures for anything I have, please be willing to do the same! Thanks!


Switch games, accessories, cards
3DS console, games, accessories
3DS boxes and manuals (no games)
DS games and accessories
Almost every boxed game below has some minor wear to the box
DS boxes and manuals (no games)
GBA games and videos
GBC games and more
GB games and more
Wii U games and packaging
Wii games and accessories
GameCube games, accessories and packaging
N64 boxes and manuals
NES games and accessories
PS3 boxes and manuals (no games)
PS2 games
PS2 boxes and manuals (no games)
PSX games
PSX boxes and manuals (no games)
IBM Tandy
Strategy guides
Collectibles and posters
Comic Books
Random Stuff


The high priority stuff, all should be CIB unless noted:
The rest:
Pre-order bonuses
Amiibo (want loose)
LRG Cards
Cards for Flinthook, Furi, Slime San, ToeJam and Earl, Golf Story, Dragon's Lair Trilogy, PixelJunk Monsters 2, Lumines Remastered, Yooka-Laylee, The Escapists and Saturday Morning RPG
Limited Print Switch Games (prefer CIB but also fine with NIB, also fine with Best Buy retail versions when applicable)
Other Switch Games (looking for CIB and clean)
3DS Games
Wii U
Strategy Guides
I'm happy to look at lists, but these are my priority wants.
submitted by MiamiSlice to gameswap [link] [comments]

[Let's build D100] Ships you might come across in a busy port.

The party has come into a busy port and decide to visit some other ships. Who might they discover, what might they find?

d100 Interesting Ships in a Port

  1. Shani and Aurora's Tent of Two - The two goblin sisters Shani and Aurora sail providing services to port settlements. Shani claims to be a seer and charges 60gp for a "reading" of the future (she is not). Aurora 'The useful one' provides the service of casting identify for 20gp. She may also agree to sell some of her extensive library if offered the right price. [dweeb_bush]
  2. The Bones Brothers - The bones brothers are a travelling group of jolly bards. As their name suggests they are animated skeletons. Jimbo-double bass, Timbo-guitar, Limbo-vocals, Dimbo-marimba and Franky-drums. They are very hospitable and put on a show for anyone who comes and visits them! [dweeb_bush]
  3. The Lovers - A small nondescript boat lies just off the dock. The is no sign of activity on board apart from the dock inspector who is trying to find out who's boat it is. The truth is the owners of the boat died ten days ago and the boat has miraculously drifted safely into port. on a successful DC 10 investigation or perception check the party members discover two young male elves cowering in the cannonball chest. When the lid is lifted they start begging for their life. If pressed they reveal that the crew was attacked by sirens, the majority of the crew succomed to the siren's calls however the two young boys, deeply infatuated with each other did not care for their temptation. They ran out of food last night and thought they were surely doomed! [dweeb_bush]
  4. The Crows - A large black boat rests in port, neatly secured off one of the more expensive jettys. The most defining feature of the boat is that it is bustling with activity, not by humanoids but 3d12 black ravens. One wears a small captains hat and appears to undersatnd the party. If the party casts speak with animals they discover that the crows were awakened through a series of trials on a new spell aimed to mass awaken a group of creatures. The crows have varying degrees of intelligence and are all chaotic neutral alligned. The crows rebelled from, Hignory Flip, the wizard running the trials on a small island about 2 days sail from the port, and stole his ship. [dweeb_bush]
  5. Captain Redbeak! - A suspicious longship hovers low on the water. There is a steady stream of humanoids entering the covered boat and leaving a few minutes later with a small package. The ship belongs to Captain Redbeak, a feirce pirate captain who runs a drug trade: the drug in question is a relatively cheap drug called "Peak Water" and is collected dew from mountaintops, it gives the user a high that lasts 1d4 hours and gives the user a d4 of bardic inspiration. It costs 10gp per hit. The ship is manned by 2d6 Bandits, and if threatened or reported they will attempt to kill the party in defence of their lives. [dweeb_bush]
  6. Crazy Mr McGee - A delerious man stands warding off the dock guards with what looks like a loaded blunderbus. He's yelling about his notorious reputation as a savage pirate and keeps claiming they have come to "Take away my princess". The princess he's referring to is his boat- he imagines that it is a glourious gallion but in reality it's just a rowboat. If the party manage to subdue the man the dock guards thank them and offer to buy them a drink later that night in the tavern. [dweeb_bush]
  7. A Con??? - The players are drawn to a commotion hidden behind a crowd of people. A large goliath (Manneo) seems to have taken a small dwarf (Skalgrouth) hostage and is threatening to slit his throat if the dock guard do not meet his demands "I'll bloody well kill 'im if you don't give me what I want: 100gp worth of rubies and free passage out of this shit hole!". In reality the goliath and dwarf are working together pulling off this stunt at various ports in the area, so far, to great success! [dweeb_bush]
  8. The Rat's Den - The players follow a stream of rats on board a decrepid looking riverfairing vessel. When they make cross into the canvassed interior they see an old kobold playing the pipes, he seems to be a rat-catcher. If the party interrupt him in his ritual he turns the a swarm of rats against the party and runs off into the port. [dweeb_bush]
  9. Seeking Refuge - A smallish sloop titled 'The Diamond Endeavour' pulls into port, it's sinking and fast! A crew member (Emery Green) jumps onto the dockside and is yelling for help. The vessel was struck by a great storm while at sea and they sustained damage when they brushed by a reef. Luckily they werent wrecked but unluckily they could not repair all the damage with materials on board. They've been bailing for hours and can no longer bail as fast as the ship is filling up with water! If the characters wish to help they can make a DC 13 group athletics check to bail enough water to stop the crew from having to jump ship and leave it to sink. If the players are successful Emery thanks them profusely and offers them a map to a shipwreck they were on the way to dive at before the storm hit them. "It's rumoured that this is the wreck of the old pirate lord, Feather Toothed Bill's ship and may hold riches beyond imagine!" [dweeb_bush]
  10. The Gilded Sail - A group of merchants, all of various races, each offering unique, and expensive, magical trinkets. True to their name, their sail is actually a thin sheet of gold, and the rest of their ship is covered in valuable metals and gems. It’s also very well armed, as are the merchants aboard. Keep an eye on the rogue when this one’s around. [Dragon_Overlord]
  11. The Patchwork - A large ship which seems to have been destroyed and repaired numerous times with whatever material the crew had, from birch wood to copper metal to even welded armor and weapons. Speaking of the crew, they appear to be a mishmash of Kenku, Kobold, Halfling, and the occasional Tabaxi and Goblin. The captain appears to be a raccoon by the name of Majos, which, if your party stumbles upon the question of why and how a raccoon is a ship captain, she would respond with “a salty mage who didn’t know how to win a simple game of cards had a tantrum.” She would then offer the party a game of cards in which if the party beats Majos, she rewards the party a hefty sum of 100 GP, and if any party member is any of the races listed above, she rewards an additional magic item (DM’s choice) and offers a position to the party member for them to join her crew. Accept and the party is taken to an additional encounter to an island for treasure. Decline is acceptable and Majos would accept any favor from the party. [SpyroAndToothless]
  12. The Feyr Winds - An elegant ship that carries goods and treasures from far off Elven lands run by a mixture of elven and faerie creatures. Their most illustrious goods are fruits that can do many things such as heal wounds, cure poisons, or even granting stat bonuses for a minute! (Vendor: Fruits are magical and can take on the effect of any potion you want.) [OSpiderBox]
  13. Gnasher's Maw - A tribal-ized longship driven by a "merry" band of lizard folk. They obviously don't understand personal space or social norms, and are seeking people to help them with a Giant problem. (Hook: if your party is having downtime while they look for their next quest, this could be that hook they need.) [OSpiderBox]
  14. The Esteemed Steamboat - Artificers run this marvel of steam engineering. However... it's currently in a state of disrepair. Looks like heavy damage from some monstrosity. While they're extremely proficient in fixing it, they have no money and are looking for work to pay for supplies. (Allies: party could hire some of them for an upcoming task/adventure, or even offer to fund the repairs in exchange for favopassage.) [OSpiderBox]
  15. The Mainstream (You’ll never need a bigger boat!) - A casino cruise ship featuring a large game room, several bars, comfortable rooms, a pool and a hot tub fueled by a continual flame spell. It is captained by a tall, brown scaled lizardfolk woman named Kepesk. The dealers are kenku bards repeating rules and barking (“Step right up, try you’re luck at the Wheel of the Goddess of Fortune!”) There is also a large vault of gold on board, guarded by lizardfolk soldiers. One particular patron is looking for a few helping hands for a bit of a caper now that he knows the guards patrol schedules. [spiff2]
  16. Rocinante - A relatively fancy and expensive ship being up kept by the Quijano family and their servants. The last living member of the family is a young man, obsessed with swords and thirst for adventure. He agrees to let the team borrow the ship, in exchange for him coming with them on their adventures to wherever they’re going. [DrFishPhd]
  17. Deep Blue - In a corner of the harbour, a seemingly empty ship. Sails are neatly furled, crew seems to have left the ship mere hours ago. On the deck, small openings allows the visitor to enter the hold, in it, some barrels, hammocks. Beside one of the hammock, a book, quite old, written in an old version of Common language.In the middle of the hold, some blankets cover a group of trunks, under these trunks, another opening ... leading to another hold. In this hold, vessels, old fashioned lanterns, and some parchment written in ancient language. At the bottom of a bulkhead, an opening, some stairs gong down in another hold.Wood seems ancient, and strange figures are carved into the wooden parts of the boats. Some ancient runes are covering pillars. In the middle of the hold, a panel with nails made of some unknown metal, once open, stairs going down in the dark. From the shadows, the noise of little splaches. [doctor_providence]
  18. The Mosquito - Run by a crew of githyanki pirates. What seems like a normal battle vessel, once on the open ocean, the sails begin turning outward and suddenly the ship begins gliding above the waters surface at fast speeds. [GladiatorJustin]
  19. The C.H.U.D.- The Shell of a massive deceased Dragonturtle floats next to the dock, it’s ends sealed by mechanical claws, and a viewport fitted into the front. The C.H.U.D. (Chelonian Hammerworked Underwater Dirigible) was designed by the Gnomish Inventor Hector Copperspark. Crewed by gnomes and halflings as they are the only ones small enough to man the complex machinery crammed into the turtle shell, the C.H.U.D. is a mercenary vessel that hires out to perform naval attacks. Hector just got a lead on a new job, and he needs some muscle to pull it off... [Lakandalwa]
  20. The Temple - A ship that serves as a mobile temple to a water deity. It goes from port to port to carry services. [SMGB_NeonYoshi]
  21. Cloudscraper - One of the gems of the Romish Empire's formidable fleet, the Cloudscraper is a powerful warship specially constructed for defeating sea monstrosities of all kinds. Developed after the Queen's late husband was killed by an island feeder (colossal sea beasts known for swallowing swaths of land whole), this vessel with an imposing tower-like bridge is loaded up with all types of harpoons, cannons, and magical armor. Some even say that, thanks to a powerful magical engine, the top half of the ship can separate from the brig to chase after flying beasts attempting to get away. With how famous it is, plenty of townsfolk are eager to get a look at the shining bronze beast of a boat. But what's it doing here of all places? [MildlyConcernedGhost]
  22. The Wistful Wanderer - A small sloop with a single cabin in the middle of the deck. A skilled observer might note that the sails and rigging as well as the rudder occasional shift to right the ship or tighten and secure themselves more. The cabin is actually permanently enchanted with a Mordenkainen’s Magnificent mansion and the ship is handled by a permanent crew of 20 unseen servants. It is owned by the Wandering Wizard Wesley Wrycroft. He sails the world at his leisure, seeking trade for scrolls and arcane artifacts. He also regularly hires adventurers to gather difficult to reach artifacts from unworthy hands whenever he finds a lead on the location of such a relic. [Lakandalawa]
  23. The Magic Brawler - A merchant ship with a very strong looking captain comes to port. If the party chooses to look at their items the captain will challenge the party to an arm wrestling match. Beating a DC 20 strength check will award the party one minor magic item from the captain's personal stash, and beating a DC 25 strength check will award a magic item of the DMs choosing. [TheInstitute4]
  24. The Friend Ship - A comfortable looking wooden ship full of people just hanging out on the deck. While aboard this ship you find yourself under the effects of the Charm Person spell to make everyone friendly with each other. [Stormkiko]
  25. The Dragon Ship - Captained by a Dragonborn with a dragon head on the prow, this ship is a merchant vessel crewed by a muscular Dragonborn who sits on the deck smoking a long pipe. The ship has put down for repairs after grazing a rock which tore a few holes in the starboard side. [AndreTheSalty]
  26. Kender - A rag tag ship filled with swashbuckling Kender. The ship looks like it was made from bits and pieces of many different ships.The Kender are very drunk and have no idea how they got to this port. [Slainlion]
  27. The Poor Captain - A ship that looks broken and near sinking, in truth it's one of the most armed ship on the seas. It uses help calls or just their non threatening look to lure ships close so that they can attack them. [DungeonsAndScouts]
  28. The Fisticuffs- A medium sized rowdy ship sits a little way out from the dock. The ship has two massive hands stemming from the hulls on long mechanical arms. The hands have an AC of 25, a damage threshold of 5, and 30 health each. They ship can leave the water and "walk" on the hands. The ship is primarily a combat ship and is crewed by a band of mischevious gnome tinkerers. In addition to attacking (+10 to hit: 4d6 + 8 bludgeoning damage) the hands can also cast Bigby's hand once per day. [dweeb_bush]
  29. The Grain Barge - A large barge with a dirt floor and wheat growing. A single old man lives on the barge, and sells wheat for 2 pountds per copper piece. In the hull of the barge, accessible only by a trapdoor in the old man's shack, is a large pile of carrots. [serious_tabaxi]
  30. Sea Rot - A large gallion speeds into port with a yellow flag raised. As soon as they dock and have paid the docking fee the captain, a large half-orc woman called Mishka, starts calling for help! She reveals that over half of her crew has contracted a strange plague and she fears for her life. She came to port to seek medical assisstance but fears she is infected so dares not go ashore.The plague - Sea Rot - Is highly contagious and air-borne: if a creature comes within 5ft. of an infected creature they must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution save or become infected themself, symptoms take 1d10 days to manifest. The symptoms of Sea Rot are gruesome, starting with the extremities of the body, the body starts depositing water in cytoplasm-like sacks. At the end of every long rest the creature takes 2d6 cold damage and must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution save or suffer 1 permanent constitution damage, the infected creature also has disadvantage on strength and dexterity checks. It can only be cured by magical means that remove a disease.If the party fetches help she rewards them with a small favour and a pouch full of gemstones worth 50gp, in addition, if the party can cure the 20 crew members and contain the plague she offers them passage anywhere, offers an additional 100gp, and her cutlass- a +1 scimmitar that also increases the holder's charisma by 2 while holding it. [dweeb_bush]
  31. Grok's Galley - A medium-sized ship piloted by a Tortle named Grok(He Understands Things)11. The ship is a 2 sailed vessel with few cannons and other wartime mechanisms on them. The crew is very resilient and full of ragtag non-humaniods. Gnolls, Dragonborn, Ratfolk etc.He's about to set sail back home as he's heard of this group of ratfolk that are trying to overthrow the government in his home town. [VKilledTInternet]
  32. The Abigail - An old warship thought to be lost that had been renovated and turned into an inn. It’s run by two very attractive siblings, who turn out to be sirens and one night, they take the boat out to the sea and eat all the passengers. [TardyTortoise]
  33. The Comfort - This massive galleon is an independent freebooter that refuses to pay allegiance to any nation or city. Housing a collection of skilled healers and clerics, the Comfort sails to areas struck by famine, plague, and war, providing healing to whomever requests it. The sailors aboard the vessel have all sworn the same oath, to defend the healers and their patients with their lives no matter the cost.While the Comfort usually is accepted at any port, it sometimes comes under attack when it travels to war torn regions and as such is well equipped to defend itself should it come under attack. [Lakandalawa]
  34. Arabian Traders - An exotic merchant vessel filled with silks, spices, and strange spirits is disembarking. A dashing arabian prince asks basic questions about the city, potentially becoming enamored with one of the party members. He is rich and slightly crazy, and believes anything can be bought for a price. This gets him into trouble when he tries to buy someone's hand in marriage to add to his collection of luxuries and many wives back in his home port. [jfractal]
  35. Deep Sea Scavengar - Salty, untrustworthy sailors (who look like pirates) are disembarking/unloading from their latest voyage. They have been at sea for months, and haven't seen a woman in that long - they openly hit on and jeer at any females in the group with a CHA score of 11 or higher. One sailor tells a fanciful story about sirens that they encountered on their voyage, killing 3 of their men (it's hard to tell if they are serious or not). [jfractal]
  36. His majesty's secret - A heavily outfitted, small warship is in a secret mission from the king. Heavily armed/armored guards stand watch over the docks, turning away everyone, and refusing to divulge their purpose here. [jfractal]
  37. Smallminded Yokels - A small, local fishing vessel filled with xenophobic, small-minded fisherman. The make disparaging remarks about any non-humans if approached. If the party gives them lip, they will get jumped by the crew the next time they wander the harbor at night. [jfractal]
  38. Mussel's Mate - A large fishing vessel that has seen it's better days. Rigging is in tatters, masts are spliced together, mismatched patchworks sails. Oddly enough the captains quarters are extremely well apportioned not at all like the rest of the ship. [hamlet_d]
  39. The Wayward Lady - This ship has an all female crew. The species on board are the outcasts from different lands. They serve as a place for any who are lost to have a home, though men don't tend to stay for long for some reason. After a successful DC 20 insight check it can be found that men on board the ship for 4 months become women. [42firehawk]
  40. The Gypsy - On the deck is what appears to be a stage where beautiful female dancers perform to music provided by a small band of bards. One of the dancers, who is known as the Storyteller, tells stories through song as the rest of the dancers provide her the visuals/backup dancing. Her voice is noticeably quite low for a woman, but is very enchanting nonetheless. An insight check with a DC20 will reveal that all of the performers are cross-dressing men. [Crystalized13]
  41. The Stable - A ship of decent size that carries horses (or any other kind of mount in your game) from port to port and sells them at a decent price to tired and/or injured travelers. It is crewed by a family of six (mother is the captain, father, three sons, three daughters) and a few extras the gathered along their journey, namely; a nice old man who wants to see the world, a young woman with a fiery attitude and an obvious crush on one of the party members, a muscular Dragonborn who has obviously seen some action who now tends to the horses, a bard who offers entertainment to the crew on board and is particularly liked by the children, a mute Druid who helps the horses and is good friends with the Dragonborn (who interprets their sign), and an ex-pirate who loves the sea but wishes to leave their past behind them. [Crystalized13]
  42. The Penny Bucket - The penny bucket is barely a ship. It's looks like a wash-bucket with a wooden T nailed to it and has a large white shirt as a sale. As far as you can tell there's no way to steer, its an utter mystery to you how it ended up in port, let alone why the dock authority would charge it to dock. When you peer inside the bucket you see a small red pseudodragon peacefully sleeping on it's hoard, which consists of 3pp, 16gp, 103sp, and 56cp, 6 rubies worth 30gp, and a dusty diamond worth 300gp , and a small magical trinket of the DM's choice. If woken up the Pseudodragon wakes up and fiercely snarls , cowering, and protecting its stuff. The dragon will trade any of the items in its hoard if the adventurers offer something of value, or a large amount of food. If the party wants to adopt the dragon along with it's hoard it may be won over with gifts and a DC18 animal handling check. [dweeb_bush]
  43. The Crafty Raft - A makeshift raft has floated down the coast and slammed into the dock. There is no one on board and it appears to be unmanned. There is a note fixed to the mast with a tiny butterknife. The note has directions, "at the lightning stump follow the stream and rescue us". The raft, and attached note were made by crafty goblins attempting to lure creatures down the coast right into a trap. The goblins have made finding their hideout incredibly easy. With a DC 5 nature (tracking) check the party can find the tree and follow it down to the river. The real trap is a series of pitfall traps cleverly hidden in and around the stream. If the adventurers continue along the stream they must succeed on a DC18 Perception check to avoid it and must succeed on a DC14 Dexterity save or fall 10ft. into spikes and take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 piercing damage. They are then accosted by 2d4 goblins. [dweeb_bush]
  44. The Illusory Boat - Moored in the port is a huge gleaming golden pirate ship, there must be at least 50 richly dressed halflings manning it. There's a long gangplank extending to the dock. Suddenly there's the noise of several cannons firing off. The guards rush over to the ship, fearing that they are attacking the port. They scream at the ship- "come down here and speak to us you cowards, we can't board your ship without permission but we will call the town guard!" A voice calls from the ship yelling insults at the guards aiming to infuriate them till they board the boat. If any one steps on the gangplank they must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity save or fall into the water, as they do the ship dissapears and it's revealed that the entire ship is a major illusion cast by three giggling wizards who run away from one of the neighboring piers. [dweeb_bush]
  45. The Question - There's a metallic ship floating in the water. From it you hear loud beeping, chirping, and whirring noises coming from it and it's attracted a large crowd of 3d10 townsfolk, who are fearfully inspecting the ship. As you approach closer you begin to hear a voice in all the artificial noises. You hear it asking thousands of questions, in thousands of voices: "who am I?", "why am I here?", "What's that ugly thing over there?", "what is the meaning to life", "Why are there people watching me?", and other creepy remarks that give the idea that the ship is conscious and scared. When the adventurers look into the boat they see a blinking green, light with a swirling marbled texture on it. The light turns red and starts asking questions very specific to the party. Before long it begins speaking in tongues and a flash of blinding light appears. The adventurers make a DC13 constitution save. On a failed save they are blinded for a minute and take 4d4 psychic damage or half as much on a successful save. When the adventurers look again the ship is gone and there is just a small gemstone floating in the water, whispering to the party in tongues that are unintelligible. [dweeb_bush]
  46. The mistake -A small boat that seems to have been renamed fairly recently. The - ake part of the name is in a different calligraphy and color from the rest of the name [Ido97]
  47. The Barnacle - An old weathered gun-ship bearing it's scars from many a battle, but nevertheless being no worse for the wear. Built strong from some ancient hardwoods and it has been well maintained to the best a ship of that age could be. The crew is a rowdy bunch of salty Dawgs that work as hard as they play...and they fight even harder. They may squabble amongst themselves, but don't you dare mess with or insult one of their brotherhood. They have come to port ready to sell their wares, collect their bounty and spend it irresponsibly. All so they can find their next mission and do it all over again. [gothic03]
  48. The Bauntoo - A strange ramshackle ship occupied by amphibious humanoids that spend near their entire lives out at sea, trade in weird cool stuff they've found deep diving into cool underwater locations like ocean ruins, and wont be at port for long. [Swerve-Bro]
  49. The Leviathan - A huge ship listing hard to one side, its mast broken halfway up and the sails drooping to the deck. All of the wood is dark brown, slimy and rotting out. It looks like someone pulled a shipwreck from the bottom of the sea and it remained afloat by some miracle. If the party inspects the ship, they will find it has already been thoroughly looted and all that remains of the crew are skeletons. (Whether the skeletons are animated or not is up to you). The dock guards will tell you that a huge fog rolled in last night and this ship was there when the fog lifted. [painterinsomniac]
  50. The Menagerie - A decent sized merchant ship, this one is run by all sorts of different creatures though none are humanoid. This ship was originally a travelling circus showing off all manner of awakened animals who were kept captive. The animals are quite amiable and will offer carry passengers in exchange for assistance selling their goods in markets. [painterinsomniac]
  51. The Coffin - A casket-shaped ship that contains the body of a 21-ft giant. The top of the casket has been fitted with sails and rigging and is manned by a crew of humans who tell the party that the giant hired them before his death. He always wanted to sail around the world, so half of all his treasures would be given to the crew who sailed him around the world. The money is to be awarded upon the crews return to the giant's family home, and the crew must have an artefact from each land to prove their voyage complete to the family and get their loot. Of course, the crew isn't bothering with actually sailing around the world - they're content to just make port for a year and trade people for ancestral trinkets so they can return to the land of giants in a year and take their massive loot. They've been given a hefty advance to cover the cost of their long voyage, so money is no object. Adventurers can sell their items if the item is from a distinct background (eg a Dwarven Warhammer, an Elven scroll of healing, etc). [Anceaus]
  52. The Lighthouse - This ship is captained by a young cowardly wizard and an equally nervous-looking crew of young human men. Atop the central mast is a large lighthouse light, which the owner uses to keep other ships far away from him while at sea so as to avoid any trouble. If approached, the captain will immediately begin grovelling and handing over loot at the sight of the party's weapons, offering them any onboard services he can think of for his crew to do for them (shoeshines, blade sharpening, armour mending).Turns out it's all an act - the captain is actually a conniving trickster who transports and deals in Light Blue Light, a magical drug that induces paranoia/twitchy behaviour but grants a 1d6 bonus to Strength for a period of 1 hour. [Anceaus]
  53. The Nest - A vaguely ship-shaped bramble of collected branches and tar, this vessel doesn't look like it should even float, much less sail. It's run completely by Kenku's. They love to collect shiny objects and every nook and cranny of the nest is filled with glittering pieces of treasure and trinkets, among which are a range of magical items.Anything can be bought for a price, but what they especially want is for the adventurers to help them get a shiny old chalice that they've spotted beneath the waters of the harbour - they aren't big swimmers. [Anceaus]
  54. The Half-Pint - An average looking, 2nd-rate ship run exclusively by halflings and gnomes. The crew are rolling a large number of barrels off the ship. A DC 13 Investigation Check will uncover that the Half-Pint has almost twice as many decks as a regular ship of that size and the diminutive crew use the extra space to smuggle illegal magical ale that has explosive side effects. If approached, the first mate (a scruffy gnome named Sebastiano who trusts people a little too easily considering his trade) will ask the party if they are 'for hire' or just want a cask.If the party is looking to buy, refer to the to determine what effect their beer has.If they're interested in the job, he would have them guard a supply wagon transporting contraband IPA to an old wizard who lives in an ivory tower in the nearby forest for a sum of 25gp each. What the party doesn't know is that the wizard is in the process of transitioning into a Lich, and the beer is the magical conduit by which he has been transforming. The wizard has the stats of a Revenant if the party chooses to fight him. If an unconscious creature drinks the illegal beer, they will be revived and become Undead. [Anceaus]
  55. The "Blu Moon" - A two masted Caravel. An ocean going merchant ship, that has recently been damaged by pirates, but escaped because they dumped all cargo overboard. The ship is being repaired and expected to be ready in two days. The captain, Quintus "Full" Moon, already has agreed to transport 24 bales of dyed fabric to [INSERT DESTINATION] but is now looking for some more cargo for the same destination. The rest of the crew is: first mate Eldan Wind (m half-elf), bosun Karrla (f half-orc), helmsman Olfie Re (f half-elf), cook Carlin Zwiet (f gnome), and four human sailors: Frenk(m), Ra(f), Tjoris(m) en Huub(m). Huub is a 12 year old boy on his first trip. [Jeeve65]
  56. The Leatherback - A merchant ship from a faraway land. It is made of a beautiful reddish wood and adorned with many colorful flags. About half the crew is made up of tortles and the other half consists of various other races they picked up on their travels. They are very friendly people and will happily buy you a drink or two in exchange for stories of your adventures or of the places and cultures you’ve experienced. If they take a liking to you they're even willing to give you free passage to wherever you'd like to travel... as long as that place happens to be the next port along their voyage. [TheMightyLoaf]
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submitted by dweeb_bush to d100 [link] [comments]

Ruby Fortune Casino 100 free spins bonus on Sugar Parade

Ruby Fortune Casino 100 free spins bonus on Sugar Parade

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Jackpot City Casino 25 free spins bonus on Immortal Romance (Exclusive)

Jackpot City Casino 25 free spins bonus on Immortal Romance (Exclusive)

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Jackpot City Casino Full Review

Jackpot City Casino is an international gaming site which includes nearly 500 online casinos, mobile casino, live dealer games, and lottery-style games. Jackpot City is compatible with desktop or mobile software, so customers can play using an Android phone, iPhone, iPad and Windows PC. Players also can bet in the web browser without a download. Jackpot Casino City is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
Jackpot City Casino provides a $1,600 welcome bonus for new players. This cash is spread over your first 4 deposits, which makes it easy to collect the full bonus. Jackpot City accepts all major credit cards, as well as e-Wallets like Skrill and Neteller. Payouts are fast by industry standards, while every transaction use 128-bit SSL encryption technology.

Jackpot City Casino Review Summary

Jackpot City Casino is a long-established and trusted online casino. The site was launched in 1998, so it has a 20-year history of satisfying customers with cutting-edge games and reliable payouts. Though it’s old by industry standards, in our Jackpot City Casino review we noticed that it provides the trendiest games on the market today: live baccarat, roulette, and blackjack dealers.
Jackpot City Casino uses Microgaming and Evolution Gaming software to present the games, so the casino has nearly 1,000 popular games. Players can play progressive slots with over $6 million in jackpots or choose from over 40 variations of blackjack and over a dozen forms of roulette.
Jackpot City Live Casino has 8 different live dealer games, including two live baccarat games and two live table poker games. Mobile players can play over 150 casino games, including Microgaming’s best online blackjack and roulette. Jackpot City Casino’s mobile slots list includes some of the most popular video slots in the world, including progressive jackpot slots and licensed slots.
Bonus Amount: $1,600
Platforms Supported: Microsoft and Windows.
Type of Casino: Online, Download, Instant Play, Mobile.
Number of games: 1,000+
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Payment and Processing Information

Jackpot City Casino has a tremendous number of deposit and withdrawal methods. If you have a single preferred method of payment, the chances are great that Jackpot City Casino supports it. When it’s time to withdraw your winnings, JackpotCity has a pending time of a day or two. Keep in mind that individual payment methods have their own delays.
Read through the expected delivery times to determine which is the best payment method for you.
  • Methods: MasterCard, Visa, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, NETELLER, PayPal, Skrill, Moneta.RU, Transferencia Bancaria Local, WebMoney, ecoPayz, eKonto, Postepay, Qiwi Wallet, EntroPay, iDebit, InstaDebit, Yandex, Check/Cheque, eCheck, Courier Check, Bank Wire Transfer, Direct/Local/Fast Bank Transfers, and EFT (Wire Transfer).
  • Limits: $4,000 Euros per week withdrawal limit. VIP players should negotiate withdrawal terms with the cashier.
  • Expected Withdrawal Times:24 to 48-hour pending process.
    • EWallet cashouts: 24 to 48 hours.
    • Credit Card and Debit Cards: 2 to 6 days.
    • Bank Transfers 3 to 7 business days.
    • Cheques arrive in 14 to 21 days.
  • Methods: MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, NETELLER, PayPal, Skrill, Skrill 1-Tap, iDeal, Paysafecard, Trustly, Citadel Instant Banking, Postepay, Abaqus, Euteller, mpass, Neosurf, Pago en Efectivo, todito Cash, GiroPay, MB Multibanco, MoneySafe Prepaid Card, Qiwi Wallet, Transferencia Bancaria Local, AstroPay Card, Boleto Bancario, Przelewy24, Reverse Withdrawal Request, SEB Bank: Direct Bank Transfer, DineroMail, eps, ecoPayz, Moneta.RU, eKonto, EntroPay, iDebit, InstaDebit, WebMoney, Payforit, Teleingreso, Yandex, Bank Wire Transfer, eCheck, and Direct/Local/Fast Bank Transfers.
  • Limits:No deposit limits are imposed.
  • Expected Deposit Time: Instant. Deposits should appear in your account instantly.
Jackpot City Casino offers different withdrawal limits, depending on the VIP level the player attains. Jackpot City Casino’s Loyalty Programme is a 6-tier program based on the collection of loyalty points. From blue level to diamond level, each time you reach a new plateau, you’ll receive benefits, including 5% to 20% tier bonuses, personal account managers, and higher withdrawal rates.
Jackpot City Casino’s Loyalty Programme accumulates points for all the Cityviews Group websites, including Spin Palace, Ruby Fortune, and Mummy’s Gold Casino.
  • Limits Increased: Yes. The default withdrawal limit is €4,000 per week.
  • Customer Support: 1-800-890-3304
  • Email Address: [email protected]
  • Phone number: +44-800-917-8547
  • Response Time: Inquiries responded to instantly via Live Chat. Withdrawals within 48 hours.
  • Live Chat: Yes.
  • Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, English (EU), Latvian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Turkish.
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Jackpot City Live Casino Games

Jackpot City Live Casino is powered by Evolution Gaming Live, the leading live dealer provider in the online casino industry. Jackpot City Casino Live features 8 different table games. The list includes multiple tables of Live Blackjack, Live Baccarat, and Live Roulette, so players can bet at limits appropriate to their bankroll. Players also can play live dealer versions 3-Card Poker, Caribbean Stud, Ultimate Texas Hold’em, Dream Catcher, and Baccarat Squeeze.

Live Dealer Blackjack

In the live dealer blackjack tables, players will be able to find two types of blackjack variants: Classic Blackjack and Party Blackjack.
  • Available Blackjack Tables: Only 2 tables, each with 7 seats, but has the “Bet Behind” feature, meaning you can bet on other players’ hands until you’re seated.
  • Betting Limits: £/€/$25 to £/€/$300

Live Dealer Roulette

Classic European Roulette, French Roulette, Double Ball Roulette, Speed Roulette, Dual Play Roulette, and Mini Roulette. Live dealer tables have multiple camera angles, so you get the action you want in real-time.
  • Available Roulette Tables: 24 in total, but the number of open tables depends on the time of day.
  • Betting Limits in General: £/€/$10 to £/€/$500

Live Dealer Baccarat

Playing live dealer games eliminates the need for random number generators and video simulations. This is the way baccarat is meant to be played, with real card decks. Players will be able to find live dealer Punto Banco and Baccarat Squeeze at Jackpot City Casino.
  • Available Baccarat Tables: 35
  • Betting Limits: £/€/$1 to £/€/$500

Live Dealer Poker

At Jackpot City, players will be able to find three types of live dealer poker, including Three Card Poker, Caribbean Stud Poker, Live Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker. In live dealer, poker gamblers have the easy controls and hand histories, combined with the camaraderie and excitement of real-life poker casino gaming.
  • Available Poker Tables?: 1
  • Betting Limits: £/€/$1 to £/€/$1000

Live Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher is a spinning wheel game. Live hostesses spin a wheel of fortune with various prizes on the wheel. If you play slot machines a lot, then Dream Catcher is similar to the U-Spin bonus games on a Bally Technologies slots or IGT’s Wheel of Fortune bonus game.
  • Available Dream Catcher Tables: 1
  • Betting Limits: $0.10 to $1,000
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Jackpot City Bonuses and Promotions

JackpotCity Casino has a $1,600 deposit bonus, a bitcoin bonus, daily and weekly bonuses, and a loyalty program fit for penny players and high rollers alike. JackpotCity Casino’s bonuses and promotions are competitive with other international online casinos. The first bonus you’ll receive is realistic, while the rollover requirements are better than most online casinos. Players even are allowed to play blackjack and video poker to satisfy the wagering requirements.

$1,600 Deposit Bonus

The main deposit bonus at JackpotCity Casino is $1,600. This welcome bonus offers 100% up to $400 on your first four deposits, making it an attainable offer which many customers should have a realistic chance of maxing out. The playthrough requirement is 50x the bonus.
Games that have wagering requirements:
  • Video Poker
  • Blackjack
  • Roulette
Games excluded from the wagering requirement are Craps, Baccarat, Table Poker, Casino War, Red Dog, and Sic Bo.

Deal-a-Day Bonuses

The Deal-a-Day Bonus renews every 24 hours. On your first deposit of the day, no matter what day of the week it is, you’ll receive a special deposit bonus.
These deals change all the time, but there are several important things to remember:
  1. You receive a bonus anytime you make a single deposit in the day.
  2. If you plan to make one deposit in a week, check the current Deal-a-Day bonus list to see which daily bonus you prefer.
  3. If you plan to make multiple bonuses in a day, make sure your first deposit of the day is the biggest, because that’s when you’ll get the biggest advantages.

Special Bonuses

JackpotCity Casino also has country-specific bonuses, birthday bonuses, and special holiday bonuses. Again, these are tailored to fit your country of residence, so it’s impossible in a short space to list all the promotions. Most of these are unannounced giveaways. When you sign up, ask the Jackpot City cashier about special bonuses.

Jackpot City VIP Club

The Jackpot City VIP Club has a number of advantages, including tier bonuses at 5 different levels and the ability to trade loyalty points for cash. You can use loyalty points to buy freerolls into lucrative tournaments. To advance to the next VIP level, you’ll need to accumulate loyalty points. Every 10 credits you receive become 2 to 3 Loyalty Points, depending on the types of games you’re playing. Slots, keno, and scratchcards are worth 3 loyalty points, while most table games and video poker games are worth 2 loyalty points. Players receive auction points alongside loyalty points, which can be used to bid on Jackpot City Casino merchandise.
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Games Offered at Jackpot City Casino

Jackpot City Casino has a comprehensive set of online casinos games. Microgaming designed all the online slots, video poker, and table games, so the list of online blackjack and roulette is huge. Microgaming has one of the largest collections of slots titles, with over 400 video slots. That includes licensed slots with real clips and soundbites from famous pop culture franchises, along with a long list of progressive jackpot slots. The current biggest jackpot on a JackpotCity Casino progressive slot is over $6 million.

Table Games

Players receive can play several dozen table games at Jackpot City Casino, including multiple versions of baccarat, blackjack, and roulette. Fourteen variations of roulette are available, including European Roulette, American Roulette, and French Roulette. Most versions of roulette include gold series titles with enhanced graphics, while several have VIP and high limit versions for those who prefer high stakes roulette.
  • Baccarat
  • Multiplayer Baccarat
  • Craps
  • Mahjong
  • Sic Bo
  • Pai Gow Poker
  • 3-Card Poker
  • Cyberstud Poker
  • Casino War
  • American Roulette
  • European Roulette
  • European Roulette Gold
  • European Roulette Gold High Limit
  • European Roulette Gold VIP
  • French Roulette
  • French Roulette Gold
  • French Roulette Gold VIP
  • Multi-player Roulette
  • Multi Wheel European Roulette Gold
  • Progressive Roulette Royale
  • Bank Buster Roulette
  • Premier Roulette
  • Premier Roulette Diamond Edition

Blackjack Games

I’ve separated JackpotCity Casino’s list of blackjack games, because it’s notable how many variations are available. If you’re a blackjack player, you can play almost any version of blackjack you prefer.
The list includes Atlantic City Blackjack, which has a return-to-player of 99.74%. You can play European Blackjack Gold or High Streak Euro Blackjack, which have RTPs in the 99.60% to 99.65% range.
If you study the basic strategy charts for those blackjack variants in order to receive the optimal house edge, you can stretch your bankroll at Jackpot City Casino blackjack like few other online casinos. Sign up today to try JackpotCity Casino’s blackjack games.
  • Atlantic City Blackjack Gold
  • Bonus Blackjack Gold
  • Double Exposure Blackjack Gold
  • High Streak European Blackjack Gold
  • Big 5 Blackjack Gold
  • Big 5 Blackjack Multi Hand Gold
  • Blackjack Multihand
  • European Blackjack Gold
  • Hi/Lo 13 European Blackjack Gold
  • Premier Hi/Lo 13 Euro Blackjack Gold
  • Spanish 21 Blackjack
  • Multi-Hand Spanish 21 Blackjack Gold
  • Multi-and Vegas Downtown Blackjack Gold
  • High Stakes Blackjack
  • High Stakes Blackjack Gold
  • Multi Hand Atlantic City Blackjack Gold
  • Multi Hand Atlantic City Blackjack Gold VIP
  • Multi Hand European Black Jack Gold Series
  • Multiplayer Blackjack
  • Multiplayer Blackjack Gold
  • Premier Multi Hand European Blackjack Gold
  • Premier High Streak Euro Blackjack Gold

Video Poker

Blackjack City Casino’s video poker selection includes the essential video poker games, including Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, and All Aces. All Aces is the version of video poker not included in the wagering requirements, meaning All Aces is considered quite advantageous for the player. Once again, you’ll need to study All Aces video poker strategy charts to optimize your play.
  • All Aces Poker
  • Jacks or Better Video Poker
  • Aces and Faces Poker
  • Deuces Wild Poker
  • Tens or Better Poker
  • Poker Pursuit
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • All American

Video Slots

Microgaming online casinos tend to have a huge number of 3-reel, 5-reel, and even 7-reel video slots. Jackpot City Casino is no different. JackpotCity contains the best progressive video slots from Microgaming and licensed slot machines.
JackpotCity Casino also has popular real money online slots like Break da Bank, Lotsaloot, and Rhyming Reels — which all have produced whole series of games, due to their popularity with fans.
Online slots fans can spend a lifetime trying out JackpotCity Casino slots, so get started today.
  • Mega Moolah (Progressive)
  • Major Millions (Progressive)
  • Treasure Nile (Progressive)
  • The Dark Knight (Progressive)
  • The Lord of the Rings (Progressive)
  • Terminator 2
  • Bridesmaids
  • Tomb Raider
  • Jurassic Park
  • Girls with Guns: Jungle Heat
  • Break da Bank
  • Couch Potato
  • Halloweenies
  • Karaoke Party
  • Bridezilla
  • Dino Mite
  • Forbidden Throne
  • Kathmandu
  • Hexaline
  • Lotsaloot
  • Rhyming Reels
  • Wheel of Wealth

Specialty Games

Specialty games is a catch-all category for the games you might not find in a brick-and-mortar casino. The list includes lottery and raffle-style games like real money keno. It also includes arcade games, including what casinos sometimes call “amusement with prizes”.
JackpotCity Casino has examples of lotto games and arcade games. The site also has games based on Ludo, a cross-and-circle game which is similar to Parcheesi (India: Pachisi) or Sorry.
Several are excellent mini-games for bettors who enjoy poker or sports betting.
  • Keno
  • Crown and Anchor
  • Spingo
  • Three-Wheeler
  • Ballistic Bingo
  • 75-Ball Bingo
  • 75-Ball Bingo (Swedish Variant)
  • 90-Ball Bingo
  • Boxing Bet (Ludo)
  • Cash Matrix (Ludo)
  • Cops and Robbers (Amusement with Prizes)
  • Flip Card (Scratch Game)
  • Fruitopia (Bingo Mini Game)
  • Lady Luxor (Amusement with Prizes)
  • Pharaoh’s Gold (Bingo Mini Game)
  • Roulette Stax (Amusement with Prizes)
  • Scratch Card (Scratch Game)
  • Slots-n-Robbers (Bingo Mini Game)
  • Spot Kick (Ludo)
  • Touchdown Glory (Ludo)
  • Vegas Vega (Bingo Mini Game)
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Jackpot City Casino has a huge selection of games, so any online casino bettor should be satisfied. Online slots players have hundreds of options, including some of the biggest progressive jackpot slots on the Internet. Those who like licensed slots can play world famous games, while old school players who like 3-reel classics should be satisfied. Table game players should be thrilled with the selection, especially if they play Roulette or Blackjack. The video poker category leaves a little something to be desired, but all the essential video poker games are available. The specialty games list is full of surprises. The VIP player rewards program provides big cashback bonuses and rewards points with several advantages.
Jackpot City Casino is one of our recommended online casinos, so sign up, deposit, and play at Jackpot City casino to enjoy hundreds of slots and all the top table games. Whether you enjoy online or live dealer casino games, Jackpot City Casino is your choice. And if you’ve never tried Evolution Gaming live dealer games, sign up and test your skill at one of Jackpot City Casino’s great live dealer tables.
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Ruby Fortune Casino 100 free spins no deposit bonus (exclusive)

Ruby Fortune Casino 100 free spins no deposit bonus (exclusive)

Ruby Fortune Review & Bonuses
If you are a new customer to Ruby Fortune Casino, you will receive 100 free spins without deposit! This welcome bonus is available for our customers only. Visit our landing page below to trigger your free spins. Good luck!
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Ruby Fortune Casino review

Ruby Fortune Casino was launched in 2003 and is operated by Palace Group Casinos. Ruby Fortune Casino is licensed in Malta. Fair, easy, safe, fun – it’s all that they claim to be. Games are simple to use and if you get some kind of problems, 24/7 support chat is always there for you. Your personal information is defended and in safe place, so don’t be bothered by privacy problems; payouts are some of the most generous, and, of course, lots of fun!

Ruby Fortune Casino bonus

Talking about bonuses, guys from Ruby Fortune Casino and other brands send us new no deposit bonuses regularly. Just these offers are often time limited, so we share it only by email. If you don't want to miss such bonuses, use this form:

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Jackpot City Casino 50 free chances on MEGA DIAMOND (no deposit bonus)

Jackpot City Casino 50 free chances on MEGA DIAMOND (no deposit bonus)

Jackpot City Casino Free Play Bonus
Get 50 Free Spins on MEGA DIAMOND slot now! Register account with Jackpot City Casino and enjoy a no deposit bonus. Next, get a 400% up to $1600 welcome bonus. No bonus codes needed!
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Jackpot City Mobile App

Just log in to your account like you do on desktop when you want to play on mobile. There’s no need to download an app. Real money mobile gambling is protected using the same SSL data encryption technology that makes the main online casino safe and secure.
The game selection is still large on mobile, and several of the big progressive jackpots that help the casino live up to its name are available to play on Android and iOS. Most slots, table games and some mobile video poker games are also included. These can all be found in the lobby when visiting the site from your mobile or tablet.
The graphics effortlessly adapt to your mobile screen regardless of make or model. We tried playing on iPhone 7s, Samsung Galaxy s10 and Huawei p30 without any issues. The navigation menu on the bottom of the screen is great for easy access to games, chat functions and live support.Compatible devices

Jackpot City Bonus Offers

All new players can take advantage of the eye-catching $1,600 sign up bonus offered at Jackpot City. The 50x wagering requirement is high, but on the plus side only the bonus, not your deposit, is considered in determining the playthrough.
Once the required wagering is complete, the deposit, bonus, and any winnings are all yours to keep. The players getting the most out of this deal are by far the slots players, as all slots contribute 100% to the wagering requirements.
Jackpot City is known to update its bonuses regularly, so make sure you check out the casino site for the most up-to-date information. If you’re an avid player you can take advantage of the midweekly and weekend match bonuses that Jackpot City give out. These promotions are based on how much and how often you gamble, so they’re custom made to suit each player.
You can also find other prize-packed promotions at Jackpot City, where you can win anything from exotic holidays to 5-star cruises and cool gadgets.
>> Claim Free Bonus Here <<

VIP Program

How to join the VIP program

As soon as you join Jackpot City you’re rewarded with 2,500 loyalty points and added as a bronze-level member of the VIP program. You earn one loyalty point for every €/£/$1 you bet on the site and this is how you increase your points. Just remember that only cash wagers contribute towards the loyalty points- bonus credits don’t.
You can use the points to claim bonuses, free spins, free credits and wagering cash as you play. You’re also free to use your loyalty points in Jackpot City’s sister casinos Spin Palace, Ruby Fortune and Mummy’s Gold Casino.

What benefits do you get?

As a member of the VIP program you’ll get access to exclusive bonuses, free spins, a personal VIP host who’s available 24/7, free spins, and many other benefits. You can see all the details in the table below, including how many points you need to reach each level.
The default bonuses could be higher for the first levels of the program, but Jackpot City’s VIP program is great as it gives all players a chance to enter, and you get other excellent bonuses and daily specials.
To be able to stay as a VIP, and to reach the higher levels, you have to continue betting on the site. You also have to keep the minimum loyalty points required to stay within your points bracket, and if you don’t have enough points by the end of the month, you’ll go down a level.

Best Games at Jackpot City

Jackpot City casino has over 630 casino games, including more than 430 slots to choose from. The casino even offers regional and country-specific games such as Australian pokies and UK style pub fruit machines.
You can enjoy over 70 different table games, and Jackpot City has an exceptional selection of 34 blackjack games with many varieties such as multiplayer or European blackjack. Of course there’s baccarat, poker, roulette, and many more for you to play. They’re all listed in the table below, and you’ll also find the most played games at Jackpot City.
Your latest games and your most played are automatically saved in the casino lobby, so you’re able to play in an instant. With such a wide range of games it’s easy for both new and seasoned players to find a game to suit their level and preference.
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Live Dealer Games

The live dealer games at Jackpot City casino are powered by multiple award-winning Evolution Gaming. You can easily interact with the friendly live dealers via HD video streaming, or you can chat with other players around the table using the live chat function. The sound quality is crisp and without any unnecessary background noise, and the 3D animations are well-defined and clear. Evolution Gaming’s live dealers are true professionals who make sure there’s a nice atmosphere around the table while the game is in play.
When playing live roulette and baccarat you can enjoy an immersive and dynamic feeling with the use of multiple cameras, one for the live dealer and three, or more, just around the wheel/table. If you like to multitask you can play multiple live games at the same time by clicking the +tables button.
The live casino is fully optimised for mobile play and the live mobile games are supported by all iPhone and iPad devices, as well as most Android phones and tablets.

Software Providers

Microgaming, one of the world’s most awarded software providers, powers the casino games at Jackpot City. They are well known for creating the latest developments in online casino technology and won the EGR Awards 2019 for their ‘constant innovation with very high-quality software’. The company is held in high regard for safety, being well respected for continuously building new safety measures to keep the casinos and players safe.
You can download the user-friendly software for full access to all of the games. Downloading and setting up your account should take just a few minutes. The downloadable version also offers plenty of options for customizing speed, audio, and more.
An alternative is to play in no-download mode, which has fewer games but offers flexibility in that you can use any browser to play.
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Safety & Fair Play

Jackpot City is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority, EU regulated and eCOGRA certified. These credentials confirm that the casino is safe and secure, takes care of its players and complies with laws and regulations. Your gaming is protected using the same SSL data encryption technology that makes the main online casino safe and secure. This means that no third party can access any information you’ve shared with the casino.
The eCOGRA certification proves that the casino offers players fair gaming opportunities. Jackpot City always ensures a fair chance of winning through the use of a random number generator. The most recent eCOGRA report noted that the payouts on all casino games averaged 96%.

Deposit & Withdrawal Options

Banking at Jackpot City Casino is safe, secure, and super-fast. Most withdrawals at Jackpot City casino are processed within 24-48 hours, which is outstanding and makes the casino one of the fastest amongst its competitors. The minimum deposit and withdrawal are $10, and there’s no maximum withdrawal limit.
From testing the casino, speaking with our players and looking at the previously mentioned eCOGRA report, it’s clear that the casino has improved from a few years ago, when it received some negative feedback regarding payout times. The casino is paying out on time, and you now have more withdrawal options than ever to choose from.

Customer Support at Jackpot City Casino

Jackpot City’s average response time for emails is 48 hours, which is good for any issues that are not time-sensitive. You can talk to the customer service reps in several languages, all listed below, 24/7.
If you call you will first have to go through the standard steps of getting to the right department, which can take a few minutes. When we spoke to the reps they were all very friendly, and they managed to solve our issues right away. That’s definitely a plus in our book. The live chat is quick and hassle-free. You only have to confirm your account and then they can help you out with your issues.


If you love playing slot games you should definitely check out Jackpot City. There are over 430 excellent titles to choose from and a very generous welcome bonus to get you started playing. With licenses and credentials from MGA and eCogra you know this is a safe and secure casino to play at.
You also have more than 100 other casino games to play, including live dealer games from Evolution Gaming. And of course, the best progressive jackpots – it’s called Jackpot City for a reason.
>> Claim Free Bonus Here <<
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Jackpot City Casino 50 free spins on Wild Scarabs (Exclusive)

Jackpot City Casino 50 free spins on Wild Scarabs (Exclusive)

Jackpot City Casino Exclusive Bonus and Free Spins
Do you know that new players at Jackpot City Casino receive 50 free spins on Wild Scarabs?! It's very easy, just click on the link below and register your account. Later, enjoy a 4-tier welcome bonus of up to $1600!
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Jackpot City Casino Review

Jackpot City Casino is one of the top casinos you can choose for online gambling. The site is tailor-made for Canadian players. You can play in CAD, and their customer service team employs Canadians. Also, you can even get Canada-only bonuses from time to time. Bayton Ltd has an online gaming authority license under the Malta Gaming Authority. When you’re playing in Jackpot City Casino Canada, your money is always safe. Read the review and see if JackpotCity online casino brand suits for you.

Jackpot City Bonus

Jackpot City Bonus is a 100% match bonus up to $1600. Jackpot City pays you to match bonuses for your first four deposits plus 50 Free Spins on Wild Scarabs. Every time you make a deposit, you’ll receive a 100% match bonus up to 400. It’s a perfect option if you are looking for the biggest welcome bonus. Jackpot city welcome bonus is a hefty one for Canadian online players.

100% Matched Bonuses

Like most other casinos in Canada running Microgaming software, Jackpot City has divided its casino bonus into multiple parts. It’s a perfect option if you are looking for the biggest welcome bonus. JackpotCity bonuses are easy to acquire. The great thing is, there are no deposit codes you need to remember. Jackpot city welcome bonus is a hefty one for Canadian online players.
Here’s the matched Bonus Breakdown below:
  • 1st Deposit Bonus: 100% up to $400 + 50 Free Spins
  • 3rd Deposit Bonus: 100% up to $400
  • 3rd Deposit Bonus: 100% up to $400
  • 4th Deposit Bonus: 100% up to $400
JackpotCity bonuses are easy to acquire. The great thing is, there are no deposit codes you need to remember. Make sure to opt-in to be eligible for the welcome bonuses.
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Top Microgaming Casino Promotion

All four parts of the $1600 bonus comes with a 50x wagering requirement.
However, unlike other 2020 casino bonuses in Canada, the requirement only applies to the 1600 bonus amount, and not to the original deposit. You can use credit cards and prepaid cards for your deposit. Before you use a prepaid debit card, you simply need to load money onto it from one of your bank accounts. Bank transfers and credit and debit cards are a bit more common way to deposit funds.
List of Wagering Percentages for various games:
  • 100%: Slots, keno, and scratch card games
  • 10%: All Online Blackjack Games (excluding Classic)
  • All Video Poker Games (excluding all Aces Poker)
  • 2%: Classic Blackjack, and All Aces Video Poker
  • 0%: Baccarat, Casino War, Craps, Red Dog, Online Roulette, Sic Bo, Table Poker
These numbers are typical for Microgaming casinos. In their top online casino software, it’s normal that slot and scratch and win real money games contribute 100% and everything else little to nothing. After you’ve met the wagering requirements, you can cash out your winnings at any time. The fastest way to clear the bonus wager is to play online slots.
Overall this promotion has the best match-up percentages available at any casino of Jackpot City’s quality. The only Microgaming casino to seriously challenge Jackpot City’s match bonus are Spin Casino and Ruby Fortune, two online casinos also owned by City View Group.

Popular Loyalty Program, Bonuses & Other Rewards

JackpotCity’s bonus is one of the biggest in the gambling sector for Canadian players. What’s best, your perks don’t stop there. Whether you are an online slots fanatic looking for spins bonus or a house game player, they’ve got the loyalty part covered. With a small min deposit, you can test the casino before committing with a bigger deposit.
Jackpot City Casino Canada also offers daily, weekly, and monthly reload bonuses based on your online gaming activity of the previous weeks. You’ll get email updates on your personalized bonuses. It is on top of the loyalty points, rewards and VIP program. We suggest you pay close attention to emails you get from Jackpot City Online Casino. You can get VIP bonuses based on your activity.
One of the most competitive VIP programs available, so when it comes to bonuses and loyalty rewards, they’ve got you covered.
The loyalty program is a tiered bonus offer system where you accumulate loyalty points that you can convert to free cashback when you hit the targets. This effectively means that you will receive cashback on your casino gaming activity. That results in receiving extra dollars on top of the deposit and other promotions. The more play, the more you gain extra dollars. Jackpot City top two levels are Diamond and Platinum play.
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Casino Games

Jackpot City is one of the biggest online casino operators in Canada. JackpotCity Gaming has a gaming selection of 650 casino games. You may notice it is in the middle range when comparing to other online casinos in the industry. However, 650 games are still quite a lot to choose from, especially given how well JackpotCity Casino has distributed the games.

Jackpot City Slots

With over 300 slot machines, including progressive slots, classic slots titles, and video slots games, scratch cards, there should be something for everyone. You’ll always get the best Microgaming slots available at Jackpot Casino.
List of Popular Online Slots you can play:
  • Aurora Wilds
  • Agent Jane Blonde
  • Agent Jane Blonde Returns
  • Avalon
  • Blood Suckers
  • Big Kahuna
  • Boom Pirates
  • Break da Bank Again
  • High 5
  • Immortal Romance
  • Mermaid Millions
  • Jack and The Beanstalk
  • JokerPro
  • Mega Moolah
  • The Osbournes
  • 9 Masks of Fire
The list of slots available includes some legendary slots like Mega Moolah, along with new exciting alternatives.
You might have your favorite, but most online players love Microgaming games like Mega Moolah. These progressive slots lure players with massive jackpots.
This slot machine needs no introductions, as it’s made tens of online millionaires. In 2017 alone, Mega Moolah crowned 12 new millionaires.

New Slots

The good news for Canadian gamers, new online slots, table games & video poker games keeps coming in the house. You can play your favourite games at this real money casino. All new online slots are reviewed by third-party authorities such as Malta Gaming Authority to the randomness of the games.
Here’s a list of popular new slots:
  • Thunderstruck II
  • The Invisible Man
  • Tomb Raider
  • The Yellow Emperor
  • Jungle Jim El Dorado
  • Burning Desire
  • Cashapillar
  • Rabbit in the hat
  • Secret Romance
  • Stash of the Titans
New online games keep popping up into the casino house lobby.
If you’re looking for something new, Wild Casino Canada and Neon Vegas bonus are quality options.

Live Dealer Games

Even though Jackpot City Casino doesn’t advertise them on their Canadian website or have any live casino bonus in Canada. It has a live dealer gaming selection from Evolution Gaming and Ezugi, two of the top live casino game providers. Table games at JackpotCity consist of all the classics with some fun and exciting new options as well.
List of live casino games titles include:
  • Live Blackjack
  • Live Roulette
  • Live Baccarat
  • Live Caribbean Stud Poker
  • Live 3 Card Poker
  • Live Ultimate Texas Hold’em
  • Lightning Roulette
  • Double Ball Roulette
  • Super Six Baccarat
  • Casino Hold’em
You can play online live dealer casino games at JackpotCity also from Android, iPhone & iPad casinos Canada. Having live chats with other players and dealer makes your online gaming experience better.
You can also play in Private live dealer tables. To get access to the private tables, you’ll need to verify yourself by sending proof of identification and proof that you live in Canada (e.g., scan a utility bill). It will allow you to play with high stakes in private tables.
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Jackpot City Casino Mobile Gaming

Microgaming has provided reliable software for JackpotCity Casino mobile gaming. Thanks to that, the mobile casino is always a fun gaming experience. You can play on the move via a Jackpot City mobile site or download an app that’s also available for Canadian players.
Based on our playing experience, we instead of using the downloadable version of Jackpot City. The Mobile version works just as well, and with all mobile devices.
So whether you’re on Android or iOS, you’re always covered at Jackpot City Casino. It isn’t King of Mobile Casino – Leovegas’ level or play ojo casino mobile, but it works with no issues.
The smartphone sure is convenient, though, for mobile gaming in Canadian-friendly casino sites. Playing mobile games on a go is ideal to get the best online casino experience.
You get to play anywhere with an Internet connection. Just make sure the Internet connection is good enough when playing online with a mobile phone or via iPad casino, so you won’t get disconnected during the casino entertainment session.

Payment Methods

Depositing and withdrawing is fast, safe and easy for Canadians at Jackpot City.
List of Trusted Depositing Methods below:
  • Cheque
  • eCheck
  • ecoPayz
  • iDebit
  • Interac
  • Credit Card (Mastercard)
  • PaySafeCard
  • Prepaid Cards
  • Debit Card (Visa)
  • Qiwi Wallet
Canadian casino players can withdraw with the same banking options or via cheque in Jackpot City Canada. Note that banking methods might have differences how much you can withdrawal. No matter what payment method you choose, you always get super-fast cashouts. If you have any trouble, contact customer support via email or live chat that has a fast answering time.
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Conclusion: Jackpot City Casino is an oldie but goodie

It is simply the best casino promotion available, mainly when you will deposit $400 or more. They also have weekly and monthly promotions that add extra value to your casino experience!
The casino bonuses at Jackpot City are by far the best for Microgaming Casino. At other Microgaming sites, like Royal Vegas, Ruby Fortune, Quatro Casino or Captain Cooks Casino, Platinum Play Casino, Karamba Casino, getting the same value for your deposits is not an option right now.
Along with the best Microgaming bonus in Canada, JackpotCity online casino promotions are one of the reasons that have made Jackpot City popular amongst online casino Canada players.
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casinos like ruby fortune video

Ruby Fortune is one of the most exciting online casinos out there, mainly because of its outstanding bonuses and promotions. First off, new members can claim a valuable sign-up bonus worth up to Ruby Fortune Casino is an online casino established in 2003 with games supplied by MahiGaming and Microgaming. It is operated by Bayton Ltd and is registered under the jurisdictions of Malta and Sweden. Last Updated: July 2, 2020. Ruby Fortune Casino does not accept players from the United States. It is a sister site to newer casinos like Ruby Fortune and Gaming Club. Like its sisters, Jackpot City is powered solely by Microgaming software. It mainly targets Canadian players and is considered one of the most popular sites there! But that does not mean only Canadians can benefit from the big bonuses at this casino. Ruby Fortune is owned and operated by The Palace Group. This internet gambling giant is behind many other well-known casinos, like Spin Palace and Jackpot City. Ruby Fortune has been online since 2003. We feel this site is impressive. Ruby Fortune is a casino site with over 650 high-quality games that include slots, table games, video poker, and live games. These are listed in different gaming categories. You can play card games like Other titles avaliable at the casinos like Ruby Slots are Reels of Wealth, Mega Gems, At the Copa, and many more. Other Ruby Slots Casinos. There are more sister sites to Ruby Slots like Royal Ace Casino, King Chance, Malibu Club Casino, and Grand Fortune Casino. Keep on reading and get to know them all. Ruby Fortune sister sites are Lucky Nugget, River Belle, Royal Vegas, Spin Casino, All Slots, Platinum Play, Mummies Gold, Gaming Club, and Euro Place. Ruby Fortune and its sister sites are licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority under license no. MGA/B2C/145/2007, which is issued on 1st August 2007.

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