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There's something stalking the plains of West Texas

I inherited a five hundred acre ranch along with two hundred and fifty head of cattle out in West Texas from my great grandfather who passed it down the line until it eventually ended up in my hands, it was his pride an joy.
Growing up he told stories of the cowboys who rode out west settling land and setting up homes for their families, I was always awestruck at the surreal descriptions of their day to day lives and how the rugged cow pokes and the horses they rode upon were able to keep towns fed and their eventual start of rodeos and riding competitions that are still held today.
Originally my father was left with it after my grand father had passed, he moved us into it when I was still young along with my mother and my sisters, Allison and Angela. It was your typical ranch lifestyle growing up, My father would walk into my room at 4:30 in the morning waking me up to go help him feed the cattle and chickens along with the other animals we had at the time, My two younger sisters eventually were brought into the loop when they were a little bit older but were always treated like princesses but when I failed a simple task like cleaning out the barn there would be severe repercussions ranging from a beating with the belt to not getting dinner but my sisters would always sneak me some food and my mother would always try to justify why I would be the only one receiving the harsh punishments, I guess looking back on it now I understand why he was so hard on me.
We had a few extra ranch hands that helped keep everything running, I remember one of my favorite people to work with was this older gray haired guy called Pete, he had a thick handle bar mustache and looked like your typical cowboy. He'd always always have a cigarette between his lips and told stories about the natives that lived here long before us and the spirits that supposedly haunted the land, My father however didn't like it due to the fact I'd have nightmares after but the stories were what I always looked forward to when I got out of school and done with my chores.
I never really experienced any "Paranormal" events, the only thing that I had witnessed that truly left me in complete awe was when My father and I found a mutilated heifer that was torn completely in half strung up in one of the trees out in the pasture, it wasn't uncommon to find a dead cow or two but the way it was strung up in the tree defied all logical explanation.
My father was prepping me to run the ranch as a grew older but teenage me had different plans at the time. I had enlisted in the military my senior year of high school, this had pissed my father off so bad that he told me not to bother coming back once I had graduated boot camp, they were harsh words but I was used to it. When writing home I'd always get letters back from my mother who would give every detail on what happened that day or what was going on in town it always kept me in high spirits.
Before the sad events of 9/11 nothing to serious or crazy was going on in the world and the unit I was in cleaned rifles and parking lots for the majority of the time. I remember receiving a phone call from my father the day it happened, "Son, you stay safe and come back in one piece.", that was the only call I received from him for the next couple of years.
I had done a few tours over in the middle east and Afghanistan before I decided to get out, In that period of time I got married to my lovely wife Kate and had two kids of my own, two daughters, Madison and Kimberly they grew up with their mother for the most part. It was a strained relationship thanks to the constant moving and the fact I'd be gone for six months at a time, she was left to care for them while I was gone but we managed to make it work.
She was ecstatic about the news that I was leaving the military, it was around that time I was told about my father who was fighting stage 3 lung cancer. I packed the family up leaving North Carolina and headed down to Texas. We spent the remaining hours of my fathers life by his side. We talked about the crazy experiences we'd been through and how being a parent was one of the most hardest things in life.
when I was the last one in the room with him he told me something that I didn't completely understand until now. "Son, the ranch is a huge responsibility and everything you have experienced in life has lead up to you taking care of it. What ever you do, don't leave it no matter what happens Chris. Promise me that." He spoke as tears swelled in his eyes "I promise." I held his hand. His grip was weak it was no longer the hard and calloused strong hands he'd worked hard with, he eventually passed leaving behind the ranch in his will.
The will stated the ranch and it's assets would go to the eldest child of the family, that happened to be me. My younger sisters didn't care much, they had moved to different states and had families of their own and were doing quite well. Everyone came down to the ranch after my fathers funeral.
It was a typical Texan wake, there was tons of alcohol and barbecue passed around that night in honor of the hard man that was my father before leaving back to their homes. My sisters were the last to leave, they said their goodbyes leaving my family alone on the five hundred acres of open Texas plains. That was twelve years ago.
The ranch itself consisted of a two story house and a small living area for a few ranch hands on the eastern side of the property as well as a large barn and a few chicken coops and a horse stable on the south side of the house, the rest was just open arid planes filled with plenty of wildlife.
I spent most of the day tending to the livestock and helping out with the repairs to the horse stable, something had torn a few of the thick metal bars on one of the stalls from it's housing, one of the ranch hands said it was some kind of dog that had done but I just brushed it off as some wise ass telling ghost stories to the new guys or one of the hands were baked when doing the rounds and had slammed into it with something. "Take care boss!" One of the ranch hands gave me a quick wave as he headed towards a beat up ford with the rest of the ranch hands, "I'll see you all in the morning, eat a large breakfast we have a lot to do!" I yelled towards the group, they had just gotten paid and were probably going to go spend their allowance at a bar or some casino up in Oklahoma.
My two dogs, Maxim, a tan lab mix and Zeus, a spotted border collie ran around trying to round up a few cattle that had strayed to far from their herd as I took off my worn work gloves setting them on the hood of my old truck, Maxim, Zeus load up!" the two dogs came running over jumping into the bed of the truck. After a few minutes of driving I pulled up to the house.
After putting the dogs up I headed inside the house, Kate was making supper to a country tune "How's work?" She asked dancing over to me "Good, had to fix up the horse stable." She spun back around dancing back to the stove "where are the kids?" I asked noticing the lack of complaints about not having good cell service "They're still cleaning out the barn and chicken coops.".
"Honey wake up, there's something in the barn." My wife shook me violently waking me from a deep sleep "Wha... What?" I blinked a few times trying to wake up, Her red hair was a mess "There's something in the barn!" She hissed clutching my wrist with a death grip.
I quickly got dressed pulling on a jacket and my old pair of work boots. I walked over to the closet grabbing my father's lever action 30-30 along with a flashlight "I'll go check it out, stay inside." My watch showed it was 3:26 a.m. as I made my way down the hall, " Dad what was that." Madison stuck her head out of her room with a pair of head phones dangling from her neck "Go back in your room." I replied just as Kimberly exited her room "I'm scared." her voice trembled as she walked out into the hallway "Go into your mother's room." I responded quickly, they both ran into the room talking in hushed tones as I continued down the hallway towards the stairs.
Maxim and Zeus were going berserk, they were barking and straining hard against their chains trying to get to the barn, the animals we had near the house were also in a panicked state, I clicked on the flashlight it's dull orange glow illuminated the dirt path leading towards the barn. What little remains from a few dead chickens lay in front of the the barn feathers and blood were soaking into the ground, something had pulled the door open breaking the latch securing it shut.
I raised my rifle slowly entering the doorway, inside were stalls lining each side of the walls running to the back of the barn, inside were a few dairy cows I had bought a few weeks earlier. Their distraught cries filled the barn as I made my way towards the back, as I got closer I noticed a blood trail leading to one of the stalls. With a steady hand I pulled the stall door open revealing a wounded dairy cow, she had a large gash running from her hind quarter to the middle of her sternum, her entrails hung out as she lay breathing heavily in great distress as blood began to pool around her body.
I knelt down beside her resting my rifle on the stall wall placing my hand on her head "What did this to you girl?" I spoke quietly, something slammed the door shut behind me causing me to damn near jump, I scooped up my rifle and aimed it at the door "If you're out their make yourself known or you're going to get shot!" I yelled trying to keep my composure.
There was no response, I flipped the latch and swung the door open sweeping the area for any potential threats but only found a set of foot prints in the dirt covered floor leading back to the entrance, they looked K-9 in nature but were too large to be any dog or coyote that I've ever seen.
I ran back into the house slamming the door shut and locking it, "Honey, call the sheriff!" I quickly made my way back to the bedroom, Kate had her phone in hand and was talking to a dispatcher "Something broke into our barn, yes, yes please send a deputy out as soon as possible.".
I grabbed my truck keys and cellphone "I'll be back, don't let anyone inside." I grabbed the Glock-19 that I kept on the night stand and handed it to her "What's this for?" She asked confused "Honey, something got one of the dairy cows and I think it's going to get more." they were really scared now "Don't leave!" Kimberly cried "Listen, You shoot anyone that's not me or the sheriff.", "Don't leave the house, lock all the doors and windows." I gave Kate a quick kiss and headed back to the living room.
I took Maxim and Zeus off their chains and lead them to my truck opening the passenger door letting them in the cab. I slid into the driver seat and started the truck, it's large V8 engine shook the cab as it idled in the cold December air. I put the truck in drive and headed out towards the pasture to check on the live stock closest to the farmstead. After driving for a few minutes my phone rang, it was Kate "The sheriff is on his way over, what do you want me to tell him when he gets here?" Her voice was tense, I thought for a moment before answering "Tell him to meet me near the fishing pond we drink at, it's the one on the western side of the pasture, he knows what I'm talking about.", there was a small moment of silence "Alright, please be careful." she hung up the phone.
The only sounds in the truck now were coming the two panting dogs and the low hum from the radio. After a few more minutes of driving I arrived at the fishing pond a large cluster of oak trees were lined near the bank on the opposite side, the head lights from my truck illuminated a small herd of cattle bunched up near the bank of the pond, they were all letting out distressed calls as they began to move towards my direction.
The hackles on Zeus and Maxim's necks were sticking up, both of them were emitting deep guttural growls, their eyes were focused on something off in the distance, I followed their gaze but I couldn't see what they were seeing. I exited the truck leaving the dogs inside with the windows cracked cautiously making my way towards the bank. The herd was walking around me when I spotted it, two large yellow eyes piercing through the darkness at me. I glanced at one of the cattle hurrying by for a split second, it had a large chunk missing from it's right flank and a large jagged claw mark running down its rib cage. The dogs were barking wildly in the truck now as the cattle began to run in a panic, I could hear the sound of heavy foot steps getting closer and closer as I began to backpedal towards the truck.
I could barely make the outline of it as it closed the distance on all fours, adrenaline was burning through my veins as I raised the rifle and started firing at it, time seemed to speed up as I cranked the lever feeding in a new round after every shot "Why the fuck did I bring a lever action rifle?" I cursed to myself for not bringing my AR as I ripped the driver side door open trying to get in, before I was able to get a foot in the door Zeus and Maxim jumped out hitting the ground running at full speed towards the creature, "Get back here!" I yelled to no effect as they circled the monster. It was in full view now it's figure illuminated by the headlights of my trucks, it looked like a massive humanoid dog on two feet with large sharp claws.
The creature swung at Maxim and Zeus trying to get them to back off, huge plumes of smoke came from it's mouth and nostrils with each swing but they didn't budge. Zeus latched onto its hind leg causing it to let out deep cry, it swung back it Zeus sending him tumbling off into the brush this pissed off Maxim.
Maxim latched onto it's left biceps shaking his head like a deadly game of tug o' war, I continued firing into the creature's chest before he swung Maxim into my lane of fire, I immediately stopped firing fearing I'd shoot my dog. That's when I saw the flashing red and blue neon lights from a sheriff's vehicle bouncing off of the tree tops. The creature swung at Maxim hitting him on the side, this caused Maxim to yelp and release the creatures arm.
"What in gods name..." the sheriff said awe struck by the scene "Fucking shoot it!" I began firing again, one of my rounds hit it in the eye causing to stumble backwards. The sheriff began firing on it now but it seemed to make little difference as the creature got down on all fours and ran back into the darkness, "When I got called out here I wasn't expecting this." he let out a breath.
A few hours later a black SUV pulled up and two men wearing black suits asked me a series of questions regarding the event "Are you sure it wasn't a coyote?", "Have you been drinking this evening?", "Are you sure it wasn't a pack of feral hogs?" I had the same response to all of their questions, "No." they went on for another two hours before they finally questioned my wife and kids along with the sheriff, they took the only copy of the dash cam footage from the sheriff's truck and eventually left, A helicopter flew over the house out towards the pasture with a huge spot light on it circling the area for a few minutes before leaving. We sat at the dinning room table near the kitchen talking about what had transpired in the past few hours, none of us could believe it. "I've never seen anything like that before in my life." the sheriff exhaled as he took his cowboy hat off placing it on the table "Neither have I, whatever that thing was it's still out there." I responded, looking out the window towards the the moon lit pastures.
In case you were wondering Zeus and Maxim are doing fine, they were a little banged up but after a few days they were back on the job rounding up cattle like nothing happened, I hired a few more ranch hands to do nightly inspections around the pasture to make sure the cattle were not being harmed, so far it has been working. The guys were also telling me about seeing strange lights hovering over the property, I don't even want to think about what that could entail.
submitted by SireBoone to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

I Recently Started Watching 100 Films From Every Decade Starting From 1950. Here's My List In Case It's Of Use To Anyone

As a film student I'm constantly coming across "must see films" which I haven't got around to watching yet, or I find myself in a situation where I get asked "how have you not seen [name of film]; don't you study film?". I've also always found it hard to retain the large amount of information and history that comes with film study.
I decided the best way to ensure I better retained all of this information wasn't to continue what I was doing which was trying to take it in from lectures, books and other resources whilst watching films in a non-linear fashion; but to try and approximate, as best I could, a linear experience of film history.
I decided the best way to approximate this linear-experience would probably be best achieved by watching 100 films from each decade. By doing so, I would be able to not only ensure to cross off a lot of films I've never seen before, but I would also be able to better remember the people, the history of film.
Granted there a number of issues you could take with my list; and in no way to I claim this to ultimate list of films. For instance my list only starts in 1950 skipping the Silent Era and the Hollywood Golden Age. Secondly it's extremely English-language orientated, with a very significant majority being American; meaning a lot of very very important film movements from across the globe have been skipped entirely. There are obviously going to be more issues as well, and you might feel I've missed some very important films in the process of creating this list; however I've done my best to take 100 films from every decade from the 50s until now which will provide a great deal of context and hopefully be very entertaining and rewarding.
I'm fairly certain this list will be beneficial to many, especially those who are just becoming interested in film and its history. It can be further distilled and shaped and used to create other lists, so have fun with it.
Note: The list has a few a lot more international films from 00s on-wards as I used BBC's 100 films of the 21st Centuries List which can be accessed here if you haven't seen it:
Now here's the list for you all. I hope it serves as a useful list and might be able to generate great discussion.
1950 Sunset Boulevard All About Eve Treasure Island In a Lonely Place Rashomon The Gunfighter The Asphalt Jungle
1951 The Thing The Steel Helmet A Streetcar Named Desire The Day the Earth Stood Still Strangers on a Train A Place In the Sun The African Queen An American In Paris
1952 Ikiru High Noon Singin’ in the Rain The Bad and the Beautiful The Greatest Show on Earth The Big Sky 5 Fingers
1953 The Wild One Stalag 17 Roman Holiday Julius Caesar Tokyo Story From Here to Eternity Shane
1954 The Caine Mutiny Sabrina Rear Window Dial M for Murder On the Waterfront A Star is Born Carmen Jones Seven Samurai Johnny Guitar Three Coins in the Fountain
1955 East of Eden The Seven Year Itch To Catch a Thief Artists and Models The Night of the Hunter Kiss Me Deadly The Man From Laramine Oklahoma! Bad Day at Black Rock Rifif The Man With the Golden Arm Blackboard Jungle Rebel Without a Cause Marty Guys and Dolls
1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers The Killing The Man Who Knew Too Much The Searchers Forbidden Planet The Wrong Man Around the World in 80 Days The Ten Commandments Giant La Strada Picnic Baby Doll
1957 12 Angry Men Witness for the Prosecution The Incredible Shrinking Man Paths of Glory Peyton Place Mother India Funny Face Gunfight at the OK Central Sayonara A Face in the Crowd The Bridge on the River Kwai Sweet Smeel of Success Throne of Blood Jailhouse Rock Wild Strawberries
1958 Vertigo The Defiant Ones Horror of Dracula Gigi Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Touch of Evil Seperate Tables
1959 North by Northwest Anatomy of a Murder The Young Philadelphians Gidget Ben Hur Pillow Talk A Summer Place Hercules Some Came Running Rio Bravo Some Like it Hot On the Beach
1960 La Dolce Vita The Apartment Elmer Gantry Psycho Spartacus The Magnificent Seven The Time Machine Never on Sunday
1961 One, Two, Free The Misfits The Hustler Breakfast at Tiffany’s Two Women The Pit and the Pendulum Where the Boys Are West Side Story Splendor in the Grass
1962 Ride High Country Lonely Are the Brave What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? The Miracle Worker David and Lisa The Longest Day Lawrence of Arabia Lolita The Interns The Manchurian Candidate
1963 America America The Birds Beach Party Tom Jones The Victors The Great Escape Hud Cleopatra Days of Wine and Roses
1964 The Carpetbaggers A Hard Days Night Becket Goldfinger Dr. Strangelove The Pink Panther My Fair Lady Marry Poppins The Americanization of Emily Zorba Greek
1965 The Sound of Music Darling What’s New, Pussycat? The Pawnbroker Mickey One Doctor Zhivago
1966 The Russians Are Comming The Russians Are Comming Born Free Alfie A Man For All Seasons The Professionals Blow-Up Who’s Affraid of Virginia Woolf? A Man and a Woman The Wild Angels
1967 Barefoot in the Park In the Heat of the Night The Graduate You’re A Big Boy Now Cool Hand Luke The Trip Valley of the Dolls Bonnie and Clyde In Cold Blood The Dirty Dozen The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Planet of the Apes 2001: A Space Odessey Barbarella Wild In the Streets Petulia Rosemary’s Baby
1968 The Producers The Odd Couple Funny Girl Pretty Poison The Green Berets Belle De Joup Rachel, Rachel I Love You, Alice B. Toklas! Bullitt Romeo and Juliet The Killing of Sister George Midnight Cowboy True Grit The Wild Bunch
1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid The Shoot Horses, Don’t They Alice’s Restaurant Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice Medium Cool The Sterile Cuckoo Take the Money and Run Easy Rider
1970 The Molly Maguires Hi, Mom! The Ballad of Cable Hogue The Landlord Catch-22 Wanda Five Easy Pieces The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes Where’s Poppa? Little Big Man
1971 Vanishing Point Get Carter The Andromeda Strain The Beguiled Pretty Maids All in a Row Bananas Taking Off Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? Klute The Hired Hand The French Connection Carnal Knowledge Play Misty for Me A Clockwork Orange Harold and Maude Dirty Harry
1972 The Rolling Stones: Cocksucker Blues Silent Running Prime Cut Fat City Deliverance Junior Bonner Bad Company The King of Marvin Gardens Pulp The Getaway
1973 Steelyard Blues The Long Goodbye Scarecrow The Friends of Eddie Coyle Dillinger White Lightning Electra Glide in Blue Charley Varrick The Outfit Mean Streets Serpico The Last Detail Sleeper The Laughing Policeman The Exorcist
1974 Thieves Like Us Busting The Conversation Dirty Mary Crazy Larry Thunderbolt and Lightfoot The Swinging Cheerleaders The Parallax View The Dion Brothers The Terminal Man Chinatown California Split Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia 11 Harrowhouse The Texas Chain Saw Massacre The Taking of Pelham One Two Three The Yakuza
1975 Welfare Smile The Passenger The Day of the Locust Race with the Devil Night Moves The Drowning Pool Dog Day Afternoon Hard Times Milestones One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
1976 Taxi Driver The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea The Missouri Breaks The Fron Marathon Man Assault on Precinct 13 Bound for Glory
1977 The Late Show Annie Hall Rolling Thunder Looking for Mr. Goodbar
1978 Blue Collar Fingers Straight Time Martin The Driver Who’ll Stop the Rain
1979 The Warriors Alien Apocalypse Now Wise Blood Being There
1980 Airplane! Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back Raging Bull The Shinning Ordinary People Kagemusha Heavens Gate
1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark An American Werewolf in London Chariots of Fire Das Boot The Evil Dead Gallipoli Arthur Thief Blow Out
1982 Blade Runner E.T. Fast Times at Ridgemont High The Thing 48 Hrs. Tootsie First Blood Gandhi Poltergeist
1983 Scarface Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Local Hero The Man With Two Brains The Big Chill Terms of Endearment The Dead Zone
1984 Ghost Busters Once Upon a Time In America The Terminator This Is Spinal Tap Beverly Hills Cop Amadeus Top Secret A Nightmare on Elm Street Paris Texas Blood Simple The Killing Fields A Passage to India
1985 Back to the Future The Breakfast Club Ran The Colour Purple Out of Africa The Purple Rose of Cairo Brazil Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters After Hours The Goonies To Live and Die in L.A.
1986 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Platoon Aliens Blue Velvet Stand By Me Jean De Florette Crocodile Dundee The Fly Top Gun Little Shop of Horrors Sid and Nancy Lucas Something Wild
1987 Fatal Attraction Full Metal Jacket Wall Street Evil Dead II Raising Arizona Withnail and I The Princess Bride Good Morning Vietnam The Last Emperor The Untouchables Lost Boys
1988 Die Hard The Naked Gun: From The Files of Police Squad Akira Cinema Paradisio Big A Cry in the Dark Heathers The Last Temptation of Christ Rain Man My Neighbor Totoro The Thin Blue Line Mississippi Burning They Live
1989 Do The Right Thing When Harry Met Sally Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade The Killer Batman Dead Poets Society Driving Miss Daisy The Killer My Left Foot Say Anything Field of Dreams
1990 Edward Scissorhands Life Is Sweet Wild at Heart Metropolitan To Sleep With Anger Paris Is Burning Close-Up Goodfellas
1991 A Brighter Summer Day Raise the Red Lantern Terminator 2: Judgment Day La Belle Noiseuse Madonna: Truth or Dare Poison JFK The Double Life of Veronique My Own Private Idaho Barton Fink Slacker The Silence of the Lambs
1992 Orlando Singles The Long Day Closes Bad Lieutenant Wayne’s World Unforgiven The Player Reservoir Dogs Malcolm X
1993 The Age of Innocce Schindler’s List Dazed and Confused Naked Three Colors: Blue Groundhog Day The Piano
1994 Clerks Dumb and Dumber Once Were Warriors The Shawshank Redemption Satantango Natural Born Killers Heavenly Creatures The Lion King Crumb Chungking Express Pulp Fiction Hoop Dreams
1995 Billy Madison The Usual Suspects Casino The City of Lost Children Before Sunrise Friday Clueless Seven Heat Kids Dead Man Toy Story Safe
1996 Romeo + Juliet Lone Star Swingers When We Were Kings Scream Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills Breaking the Waves Crash Trainspotting Fargo
1997 The Ice Storm Titanic Jackie Brown L.A. Confidential Starship Troopers Fireworks (Hana-Bi) The Sweet Hereafter Princess Mononoke Boogie Nights
1998 Buffalo ‘66 Velvet Goldmine Last Night Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas There’s Something About Mary Babe: Pig in the City The Big Lebowski Out of Sight Rushmore
1999 The Virgin Suicides Election Audition Being John Malkovich American Beauty All About My Mother The Blair Witch Project Magnolia Eyes Wide Shut Fight Club The Matrix Beau Travail
2000 Requiem for a Dream The Gleaners and I Almost Famous Werckmeister Harmonies Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ​Memento Yi Yi: A One and a Two In the Mood for Love The Beach Traffic O Brother, Where Art Thou? Billy Elliot Amores Perros American Psycho
2001 Amélie A.I. Artificial Intelligence The Royal Tenenbaums Moulin Rouge! Spirited Away Mulholland Drive Donnie Darko The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
2002 Narc Ten The Pianist Far From Heaven City of God Talk to Her 25th Hour Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Adaptation Bowling for Columbine Gangs of New York The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Punch Drunk Love Russian Ark 28 Days Later
2003 Finding Nemo The Return Big Fish Kill Bill Vol.1 Dogville Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter…and Spring Oldboy Lost in Translation The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Love Actually Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 21 Grams
2004 Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Before Sunset Moolaadé Bad Education The Incredibles Kill Bill Vol. 2 Million Dollar Baby The Passion of Christ Sideways Shaun of the Dead Supersize Me Tropical Malady Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2005 Brick Kiss Kiss Bang Bang A History of Violence Brokeback Mountain The New World Caché Capote Batman Begins Lord of War Crash A History of Violence
2006 The Fall Apocalypto Babel Casino Royale The Departed The Inconvenient Truth Little Miss Sunshine Volver United 93 Syndromes and a Century The Lives of Others Pan’s Labyrinth Children of Men
2007 I’m Not There Zodiac Across the Universe Atonement Gone Baby Gone Juno Michael Clayton Ratatouille The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days No Country for Old Men There Will Be Blood The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
2008 Let the Right One In The Headless Woman The Hurt Locker The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight WALL-E Synecdoche, New York Frost/Nixon Gran Torino Milk Revolutionary Road Slumdog Millionaire
2009 Watchmen The White Ribbon Moon The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo White Material The Secret in Their Eyes A Prophet A Serious Man Fish Tank Inglourious Basterds
2010 Buried Blue Valentine Black Swan True Grit Inception Certified Copy Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives The Social Network
2011 Take Shelter Shame The Artist The Turin Horse Once Upon a Time in Anatolia Melancholia Margaret A Separation The Tree of Life Drive Super 8
2012 Looper Moonrise Kingdom Spring Breakers Tabu Stories We Tell Zero Dark Thirty Amour The Master Holy Motors The Act of Killing Mud Dredd Seven Psychopaths The Place Beyond the Pines
2013 Rush Before Midnight Snowpiercer Inside Llewyn Davis Her Dallas Buyers Club Wolf of Wall Street Only Lovers Left Alive Prisoners The Great Beauty Under the Skin Ida Blue Is the Warmest Color 12 Years a Slave
2014 Inherent Vice Goodbye to Language Leviathan Birdman Timbuktu The Grand Budapest Hotel Boyhood Gone Girl Whiplash
2015 Spotlight Carol The Assassin Brooklyn Inside Out Son of Saul Mad Max: Fury Road Amy The Big Short Ex Machina The Martian Room Revenant Sicario
2016 Hail, Caesar! Hell or High Water Lion Manchester by the Sea Moonlight Nocturnal Animals
2017 Okja Baby Driver Dunkirk The Beguiled Trainspotting 2
Edit: Replaced Dumb and Dumber with Once Were Warriors
submitted by 35mmOfView to movies [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Feb 22nd - Tue, Feb 28th)

Tulsa's event list.

Wednesday, Feb 22nd

Thursday, Feb 23rd

  • Akdar Shrine Circus (Expo Square: Pavilion) Thru Sun, Feb 26th Grab the family and experience the thrill of spectacle at the Akdar Shrine Circus at Tulsa Expo Square. Held in the…
  • 😂 Andy Woodhull (Loony Bin) Thru Sat, Feb 25th
  • 🎭 Barefoot in the Park (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Feb 26th Head to the Broken Arrow Community Playhouse to watch the story of newlyweds Paul and Corie Bratter unfold. Local actors…
  • Beethoven Exhibit (Tulsa Performing Art Center) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Beethoven Exhibit Feb. 1-25, M-F 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery This exhibit is presented by Chamber Music Tulsa in conjunction with their Beethoven Winter Festival and the performance by the Mir� Quartet of the complete Beethoven String Cycle (Feb. 17-26).... FREE
  • Beethoven Winter Festival: Miró Quartet (Chamber Music) Thru Sun, Feb 26th Start Time: 7:00pm 16 quartets. 10 days. 6 concerts. A once-in-a-lifetime experience! The Beethoven Winter Festival features the world renowned Miró Quartet performing all 16 of Beethoven’s string quartets in compositional order over six concerts. The quartets are considered among the greatest achievements of Western civilization, alongside ancient Greek drama,…
  • Jr. Clarinet Choir (Small Band Room - Owasso) Start Time: 3:25pm
  • 🎨 NatureWorks Art Show & Sale (Tulsa Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center) Thru Sun, Feb 26th If you love nature, landscape and wildlife artwork, you won't want to miss the annual NatureWorks Art Show &…
  • Null (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:30pm
  • Puttin' On The Dog (Cox Business Center) Start Time: 6:00pm Puttin’ on the Dog is LIFE's premier fundraising event offering sponsorships and individual tickets. Over $4,000,000 has been raised over the past 19 years. All proceeds benefit LIFE Senior Services.
  • Sr. Clarinet Choir (Small Band Room - Owasso) Start Time: 2:45pm
  • Tanya Tucker (Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa - Catoosa) Thursday, February 23 • 8PM Share this on ReScheduled for Thursday, February 23 • 8PMDoors Open at 7PM Price: $25, $35 777 West Cherokee Street, Catoosa, OK 800.760.6700
  • Wilderado and Slow Dreamer (The Vanguard) Start Time: 9:00pm The Vanguard and Bros. Houligan Presents...WILDERADOSlow DreamerThu 2/23Doors: 8:00 pm / Show: 9:00 pm This event is all ages
  • Wild Party (IDL Ballroom) Thru Sun, Feb 26th Andrew Lippa's Wild Party evokes the glamour, sensuality, and decadence of Manhattan in the roaring twenties. The story, based on the book-length poem of the same name, chronicles an evening in the life of Queenie and Burrs, lovers and fellow vaudeville performers. To test the limits of their fierce and hot-blooded relationship, Queenie throws…

Friday, Feb 24th

  • 🏃 50K, 25K & 10K (Post Oak Lodge) Start Time: 8:00am Course is set on a beautiful lodge retreat just 15 minutes from downtown Tulsa. With lodging available on the property this race offers great convenience for runners and their supporters
  • Akdar Shrine Circus (Expo Square: Pavilion) Thru Sun, Feb 26th Grab the family and experience the thrill of spectacle at the Akdar Shrine Circus at Tulsa Expo Square. Held in the…
  • 😂 Andy Woodhull (Loony Bin) 1 day left
  • Arctic Cat Nitro Arenacross Tour (Expo Square: Ford Truck Arena) Day 1 of 2 Experience two high-flying nights of motorized, adrenaline-pumping arenacross action. After kicking off the night with…
  • 🎭 Barefoot in the Park (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Feb 26th Head to the Broken Arrow Community Playhouse to watch the story of newlyweds Paul and Corie Bratter unfold. Local actors…
  • Beethoven Exhibit (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Beethoven Exhibit Feb. 1-25, M-F 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery This exhibit is presented by Chamber Music Tulsa in conjunction with their Beethoven Winter Festival and the performance by the Mir� Quartet of the complete Beethoven String Cycle (Feb. 17-26).... FREE
  • Beethoven Winter Festival: Miró Quartet (Chamber Music) Thru Sun, Feb 26th Start Time: 7:00pm 16 quartets. 10 days. 6 concerts. A once-in-a-lifetime experience! The Beethoven Winter Festival features the world renowned Miró Quartet performing all 16 of Beethoven’s string quartets in compositional order over six concerts. The quartets are considered among the greatest achievements of Western civilization, alongside ancient Greek drama,…
  • Bibi-Dibi: Babies+Blessings+Dinner+Bedtime (The Synagogue) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Black Tiger Sex Machine (Cain's Ballroom) Start Time: 7:00pm YOU MUST HAVE A VALID GOV'T ISSUED iD TO ENTER! Advance $18 | Day of Show $20 | Door $20 | Mezzanine (21+) $33 There is a $2 fee that applies to each ticket purchased at the Cain's Box Office. No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! Support acts are subject to change without notice!
  • Dad the Band, New Vision, Seasonal and Zunis (The Vanguard) Start Time: 7:00pm The Vanguard and Bros. Houligan Presents...Dad. The BandNew Vision, Seasonal, ZunisFri 2/24Doors: 7:00 pm / Show: 7:00 pm This event is all ages
  • Kaitlin Butts (Mercury Lounge) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • My Brother and me (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎨 NatureWorks Art Show & Sale (Tulsa Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center) Thru Sun, Feb 26th If you love nature, landscape and wildlife artwork, you won't want to miss the annual NatureWorks Art Show &…
  • Night at the Oscars (Tulsa Community College) Day 1 of 2 Hit the red carpet and enjoy a "Night at the Oscars," a stirring orchestral performance of music from…
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers (BOK Center) Start Time: 8:05pm Tulsa Oilers
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers vs. Allen Americans (BOK Center) Start Time: 7:05pm
  • Pool and Spa Show (Expo Square: Central Park Hall) Thru Sun, Feb 26th
  • 🏃 POSTOAK Challenge (Marathon, Half Marathon - for 'Triple Challenge') (Post Oak Lodge) All events are ran on the trails and old farm roads on the 1100 acres of Post Oak Lodge and 600 acres of the Oklahoma Centenial Botanical Garden The 10k is one loop around the property. The 25k is one continuous loop. The 50k is two continuous loops. Any of these distances can be ran with the Sunday Quarter, Half or Full Marathon to make a…
  • 🏃 Post Oak Marathon (Post Oak Lodge) Start Time: 9:00am Course is set on a beautiful lodge retreat just 15 minutes from downtown Tulsa. With lodging available on the property this race offers great convenience for runners and their supporters
  • Street School Street Party 2017 (Cox Business Center) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Wild Party (IDL Ballroom) Thru Sun, Feb 26th Andrew Lippa's Wild Party evokes the glamour, sensuality, and decadence of Manhattan in the roaring twenties. The story, based on the book-length poem of the same name, chronicles an evening in the life of Queenie and Burrs, lovers and fellow vaudeville performers. To test the limits of their fierce and hot-blooded relationship, Queenie throws…
  • YWCA- Women of the Year- Pinnacle Awards (Cox Business Center) Start Time: 6:30pm

Saturday, Feb 25th

  • Akdar Shrine Circus (Expo Square: Pavilion) 1 day left Grab the family and experience the thrill of spectacle at the Akdar Shrine Circus at Tulsa Expo Square. Held in the…
  • 😂 Andy Woodhull (Loony Bin) Last Day
  • Arctic Cat Nitro Arenacross Tour (Expo Square: Ford Truck Arena) Day 2 of 2 Experience two high-flying nights of motorized, adrenaline-pumping arenacross action. After kicking off the night with…
  • 🎭 Barefoot in the Park (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) 1 day left Head to the Broken Arrow Community Playhouse to watch the story of newlyweds Paul and Corie Bratter unfold. Local actors…
  • Beethoven Winter Festival: Miró Quartet (Chamber Music) 1 day left Start Time: 7:00pm 16 quartets. 10 days. 6 concerts. A once-in-a-lifetime experience! The Beethoven Winter Festival features the world renowned Miró Quartet performing all 16 of Beethoven’s string quartets in compositional order over six concerts. The quartets are considered among the greatest achievements of Western civilization, alongside ancient Greek drama,…
  • Catholic Charities "Cooking Up Compassion" (Cox Business Center) Start Time: 6:00pm Feb 25 | 6:00pm - 11:30pm Catholic Charities “Cooking Up Compassion”
  • Tulsa Classic Volleyball Tournament (Expo Square) Day 1 of 2
  • 🎭 The Drunkard and the Olio (Tulsa Spotlight Theatre) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Tulsa Flea Market (Expo Square: Super Duty Arena)
  • Franks and Deans (Mercury Lounge) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Grand National Gun Show (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo) Day 1 of 2 Look no further than the Grand National Gun Show for the latest models of guns to add to your collection. Held at Tulsa…
  • Just Between Friends (Expo Square: Exchange Center) Thru Sat, Mar 4th If you have a growing family or are planning for one, the Just Between Friends sale, held at the Tulsa Expo Square, is…
  • Latimer-Cooksey Arts & Cultural Foundation "A Brass & Sassy Affair" (Cox Business Center) Start Time: 6:00pm Feb 25 | 6:00pm - 9:00pm Latimer-Cooksey Arts & Cultural Foundation “A Brass & Sassy Affair”
  • Tulsa Mardi Gras Masquerade (The Shrine) Start Time: 7:00pm General Admission Tickets include several party favors, to include mardi gras necklaces and masquerade masks. More details will come as they develop. Listings for artists will be added as they are confirmed for performance. Right now wee're only selling general admission tickets. There will be VIP packages available, details on those packages…
  • Mike Hosty (Blackbird On Pearl) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Mir Quartet: Beethoven Winter Festival (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:00pm Mir� Quartet: Beethoven Winter Festival Feb. 17, 18, 21, 23, 25 at 7 p.m., Feb. 26 at 5 p.m. :: Kathleen Westby Pavilion "The string quartet was the medium Beethoven reserved for his most intimate and personal musical expressions, and the cycle is an inside peek into this great man's inner life from the age of 30 until his very last months.…
  • My So Called Band (The Vanguard) Start Time: 10:30pm The Vanguard and Bros. Houligan Presents...My So Called BandSat 2/25Doors: 9:00 pm / Show: 10:30 pm This event is 21 and over
  • 🎨 NatureWorks Art Show & Sale (Tulsa Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center) 1 day left If you love nature, landscape and wildlife artwork, you won't want to miss the annual NatureWorks Art Show &…
  • Night at the Oscars (Tulsa Community College) Day 2 of 2 Hit the red carpet and enjoy a "Night at the Oscars," a stirring orchestral performance of music from…
  • Tulsa Opera: Puccini to Pop (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Start Time: 8:00pm Tulsa Opera: Puccini to Pop Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. :: Chapman Music Hall "Puccini to Pop" is specifically designed to address Tulsa's core trio of desires: strong voices, great opera and a Saturday evening performance. This vocal spectacular is headlined by the glamorous and charismatic soprano Alyson Cambridge (pictured)... GET TICKETS
  • Pool and Spa Show (Expo Square: Central Park Hall) 1 day left
  • 🏃 POSTOAK Challenge (50K, 25K, 10K) (Post Oak Lodge) All events are ran on the trails and old farm roads on the 1100 acres of Post Oak Lodge and 600 acres of the Oklahoma Centenial Botanical Garden The 10k is one loop around the property. The 25k is one continuous loop. The 50k is two continuous loops. Any of these distances can be ran with the Sunday Quarter, Half or Full Marathon to make a…
  • Rocket Science Tulsa (C. J. Moloney's - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 9:30pm
  • Rock And Worship Roadshow (BOK Center)
  • The Roundup - Swingout Workshop & Dance (DoubleTree Warren Place) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Sweet Baby Jayzus (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 8:30pm
  • Wild Party (IDL Ballroom) 1 day left Andrew Lippa's Wild Party evokes the glamour, sensuality, and decadence of Manhattan in the roaring twenties. The story, based on the book-length poem of the same name, chronicles an evening in the life of Queenie and Burrs, lovers and fellow vaudeville performers. To test the limits of their fierce and hot-blooded relationship, Queenie throws…

Sunday, Feb 26th

  • Akdar Shrine Circus (Expo Square: Pavilion) Last Day Grab the family and experience the thrill of spectacle at the Akdar Shrine Circus at Tulsa Expo Square. Held in the…
  • 🎭 Barefoot in the Park (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Last Day Head to the Broken Arrow Community Playhouse to watch the story of newlyweds Paul and Corie Bratter unfold. Local actors…
  • Beethoven Winter Festival: Miró Quartet (Chamber Music) Last Day Start Time: 7:00pm 16 quartets. 10 days. 6 concerts. A once-in-a-lifetime experience! The Beethoven Winter Festival features the world renowned Miró Quartet performing all 16 of Beethoven’s string quartets in compositional order over six concerts. The quartets are considered among the greatest achievements of Western civilization, alongside ancient Greek drama,…
  • 🎨 Best Picture Party: Members Only (Philbrook Downtown) Start Time: 6:30pm Sunday, Feb. 26 6:30pm Members Only Watch the big show together! Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity for Philbrook Members. Join us for a casual night of film, food, fun, and community during the biggest awards night of the year. Bring the whole family. Childcare included for kids 5 and under. Enjoy a screening of the 89th annual Academy…
  • Tulsa Classic Volleyball Tournament (Expo Square) Day 2 of 2
  • 😂 Farewell ROAST of Scotty Chapman (Loony Bin)
  • Freeicecream + Juugjesus (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:30pm
  • Grand National Gun Show (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo) Day 2 of 2 Look no further than the Grand National Gun Show for the latest models of guns to add to your collection. Held at Tulsa…
  • Just Between Friends (Expo Square: Exchange Center) Thru Sat, Mar 4th If you have a growing family or are planning for one, the Just Between Friends sale, held at the Tulsa Expo Square, is…
  • La Panther Happens (Happy Hour Show) (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 5:30pm
  • Mir Quartet: Beethoven Winter Festival (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:00pm Mir� Quartet: Beethoven Winter Festival Feb. 17, 18, 21, 23, 25 at 7 p.m., Feb. 26 at 5 p.m. :: Kathleen Westby Pavilion "The string quartet was the medium Beethoven reserved for his most intimate and personal musical expressions, and the cycle is an inside peek into this great man's inner life from the age of 30 until his very last months.…
  • 🎨 NatureWorks Art Show & Sale (Tulsa Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center) Last Day If you love nature, landscape and wildlife artwork, you won't want to miss the annual NatureWorks Art Show &…
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers (BOK Center) Start Time: 5:05pm
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers vs. Missouri Mavericks (BOK Center) Start Time: 4:05pm
  • Pool and Spa Show (Expo Square: Central Park Hall) Last Day
  • 🏃 POSTOAK Challenge (Mara/Half/Quarter) (Post Oak Lodge) The Quarter, Half, and Full Marathon will be run on half road-half trail on the property of the Post Oak Lodge and the Oklahoma Centennial Botanical Garden. This is part of a two day event. All finishers will receive a finishers Medalion. All Doublers will receive awards. Please go to our website for more information.
  • Wild Party (IDL Ballroom) Last Day Andrew Lippa's Wild Party evokes the glamour, sensuality, and decadence of Manhattan in the roaring twenties. The story, based on the book-length poem of the same name, chronicles an evening in the life of Queenie and Burrs, lovers and fellow vaudeville performers. To test the limits of their fierce and hot-blooded relationship, Queenie throws…

Monday, Feb 27th

  • Just Between Friends (Expo Square: Exchange Center) Thru Sat, Mar 4th If you have a growing family or are planning for one, the Just Between Friends sale, held at the Tulsa Expo Square, is…
  • Soundpony Comedy Hour (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 😂 Stand Up Comedy (The Shrine) Start Time: 8:30pm

Tuesday, Feb 28th

  • Just Between Friends (Expo Square: Exchange Center) Thru Sat, Mar 4th If you have a growing family or are planning for one, the Just Between Friends sale, held at the Tulsa Expo Square, is…
  • 🎡 Mardi Gras Parade (Blue Dome District) Celebrate Fat Tuesday in style at the eighth annual Mardi Gras Parade. Head to downtown Tulsa's Blue Dome District…
  • The Pearl Jam (Blackbird On Pearl) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Shen Yun 2017 (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Day 1 of 2 Classical Chinese dance, dazzling costumes, impressive backdrops and a live orchestra are sure to make Shen Yun a…
  • 🎭 Shen Yun Performing Arts (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Tesla (Brady Theater) Start Time: 8:00pm Tesla the Band Live at Brady Theater with Special Guests The Cringe & The Raskins February 28th - 7pm doors / 8pm show Tickets: Brady Box Office M - F 10a-6p Starship Records & Tapes Buy For Less Stores greater OKC By Phone: 866-977-6849 Online at
  • trivia with jack (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 8:30pm

See Also

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The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (7/10/16)

·1. Beach Park man shot multiple times in parking lot of Evanston IHOP restaurant (NBC 5)
·2. Gov. Rauner appears at 5K run at Chicago Executive Airport in Wheeling (WGN TV)
·3. Three men sought in connection with robbery of Wadsworth gas station; may have robbed liquor store two weeks before (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·4. Mount Prospect man held on $500,000 bond for sexually, physically assaulting two teenage girls (Chicago Tribune)
·5. Motorcycle passenger killed on U.S. 20 when motorcyclist swerves to avoid a stopped vehicle, loses control of bike and crashes (Chicago Sun-Times)
·6. Backers of Schaumburg Convention Center, adjoining hotel pleased with businesses' 10 years of success (Daily Herald)
·7. Hanover Park seeks public input online on its policing services (Daily Herald)
·8. Rental truck gets stuck in ditch, causes fire on Cemetery Lake near Arlington Heights Road in Elk Grove Village (Daily Herald)
·9. Human Library of Fox Valley allows people to have conversations with interactive content provided by humans (Daily Herald)
·10. Morton Grove man arrested for sexual abuse of a co-worker at a home for people with disabilities in Berwyn (Chicago Tribune)
·11. 19-year-old Homewood woman killed in crash with tractor-trailer truck in Peotone Township, Will County (Chicago Sun-Times)
·12. Hazel Crest police: Shooting deaths of father, two daughters not a random act; police ask for information on what happened (WGN TV)
·13. Gary man arrested for stealing mail, packages from Gary home (Chicago Sun-Times)
·14. Ogden Dunes, Portage sign pact as non-federal sponsors to shore up beaches being eroded by rising Lake Michigan (Northwest Indiana Times)
·15. Lowell swimmer notches record time in 50-meter free swim for ages 15-16 during semi-finals for U.S. Olympic Team trials (Northwest Indiana Times)
·16. Motorcyclist killed on Indiana Toll Road in Portage when his bike collides with Indiana State Trooper patrol car making a U-turn (Northwest Indiana Times)
·17. Indiana Court of Appeals rules in favor of now-deceased woman in 25-year-old tax-sale case over Crowd Point properties that previous owner had failed to pay taxes on since 1984 (Northwest Indiana Times)
·18. Town of Munster's school head named president of Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents for 2016-17 (Northwest Indiana Times)
·19. 1989 Merrillville High School graduate who faked his own death to avoid prosecution features prominently in short film '$cammed: Investment Fraud Revealed' (Northwest Indiana Times)
·20. Object thrown through window of Hobart apartment building sparks fire, which remains under investigation (Northwest Indiana Times)
·21. Questions raised after tattoo parlor opens in East Chicago without Town Council's approval (Northwest Indiana Times)
·22. [Merrillville may be on verge of becoming broadband-ready community]( (Northwest Indiana Times)
·23. Morton Grove man arrested on charges of burglary of gas station, falsely reporting his vehicle stolen (Chicago Tribune)
·24. One person arrested in connection with June 29 drive-by shooting in Elgin (Chicago Tribune/Elgin Courier-News)
·25. Maine Township High School District 207 superintendent gets $50,000 merit bonus after completing goals set by the school board; his annual salary is $210,000 before bonuses (Daily Herald)
·26. Nazi banner on display causes flap at Kane County Flea Market in St. Charles; vendor removed it at staff's request after it appeared on facebook (Daily Herald)
·27. Body of elderly man found in retention pond in Downers Grove (WGN TV)
·28. Motorcyclist killed in late-night crash with another vehicle at intersection of 3rd Avenue and Richards Street in Joliet (Chicago Sun-Times)
·29. New Lenox man killed when motorcycle he was riding crashed near intersection of 179th Street and Spring Meadows Drive in Homer Glen (Chicago Sun-Times)
·30. Harvey woman shot to death, live-in 'companion' wounded on Sunday morning (Chicago Sun-Times)
·31. Ford Heights man with schizophrenia in jail for killing cousin who made made fun of him (Chicago Tribune)
·32. Man wounded in shooting at Pioneer Motel on Torrence Avenue in Lansing (Chicago Sun-Times)
·33. Blue Island teenager struck, killed by vehicle in 13600 block of South Western Avenue; coroner's office rules death an accident (Chicago Sun-Times)
·34. Westchester Township History Museum puts up exhibit on the wife, daughters and granddaughters of Joseph Bailly and their influence (Northwest Indiana Times)
·35. Michigan City-based Save the Dunes searching for new executive director after departure of Nicole Barker (Northwest Indiana Times)
·36. Former Chesterton swimmer the first from stories swim program lands place on U.S. Olympic Team (Northwest Indiana Times)
·37. Cedar Lake has timetable in place for restoration of town's namesake lake (Northwest Indiana Times)
·38. Roadside bomb discovered along Welnetz Road near Trail Creek, LaPorte County (Northwest Indiana Times)
·39. St. John police chief heading to Washington, D.C., to participate in conference on 21st-Century policing (Northwest Indiana Times)
·40. Lake County to join national Data-Driven Justice Initiative as way of diverting mentally-ill residents from repeated jailing (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·41. Lake County Finance & Administrative Committee meetings to be telecast on LCTV (Daily Herald)
·42. Bartlett Royals Little League team, undefeated in regular season, sweeps playoffs; eight players selected for Little League All-Star game (Daily Herald)
·43. Elgin-O'Hare Expressway now a cashless tollroad from I-290 to Lake Street (CBS 2)
·44. Park Ridge reports spending about $1,950 on Hillary Clinton's May 19 visit (Chicago Tribune/Park Ridge Herald-Advocate)
·45. Hampshire renames Memorial Park as Henpeck Park to recall village's history (Daily Herald)
·46. Senior-housing project proposed for 300 N. State St. in Elgin (Daily Herald)
·47. California man charged with battery after hitting man repeatedly at wedding reception in Streamwood (Daily Herald)
·48. Oak Park native uses KICS Cup soccer competition to promote global unity, teach about diversity and other cultures (Chicago Tribune/Forest Leaves)
·49. Man robs Fifth-Third Bank on North Neltnor Boulevard (Route 59) in West Chicago (WBBM AM 780)
·50. LaGrange police charge Maywood teen for June 21 robbery, recover iPhone (Chicago Tribune/The Doings)
·51. Kane County State's Attorney reports 7 percent increase in felony charges over same time last year (Daily Herald)
·52. Park Forest man arrested on attempted-murder charge after allegedly stabbing his housemate 18 times (Chicago Tribune)
·53. Two houses, several vehicles damaged in University Park blaze that might have been sparked by fireworks (CBS 2)
·54. Mysterious hero rescues partially paralyzed man from burning home in University Park (NBC 5)
·55. Peotone Junior High School basketball coach charged with grooming female student with 'inappropriate' texts (Chicago Tribune)
·56. Merrillville-based MonoSol launches water-soluble film product to deliver food color to food processors in Latin America (Northwest Indiana Times)
·57. Two men wounded in separate shootings in Hammond over the holiday weekend (Northwest Indiana Times)
·58. Merrillville man arrested in scheme that exchanged counterfeit money for prepaid debit cards (Northwest Indiana Times)
·59. Skyrocketing property tax bills enrage Cook County homeowners; County Board president promises not to consider property-tax hike (ABC 7)
·60. Divvy rolls out service in Evanston (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
·61. Chicago Blackhawks draft former Lake Forest Academy hockey star (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
·62. Lake Zurich Village Board approves proposed Illinois Secretary of State drivers-license facility at Deerpath Commons on Rand Road (Daily Herald)
·63. Wauconda officials hold off on decision on red-light camera at Bonner Road and U.S. 12 (Daily Herald)
·64. Metra completes $328,000 renovation of 127-year-old Ravinia station in Highland Park (FOX 32)
·65. U.S. Department of Labor fines Lakemoor Dental $53,900 for failing to protect employees from risks of blood-borne pathogens (Daily Herald)
·66. First American Bank on Golf Road in Skokie robbed (Chicago Tribune/Skokie Review)
·67. Arlington Heights Park District to install 20-foot netting along Kirchoff Road as part of project that will bring in artificial turf to soccer, football fields at Sunset Meadows (Daily Herald)
·68. Des Plaines to keep 'City of Destiny' motto; decision on 'dP' logo yet to be made (Daily Herald)
·69. Sleepy Hollow considers prosecuting first-time DUI offenders locally rather than in state court (Daily Herald)
·70. Sleepy Hollow institutes ban on raising chickens in residential backyards (Daily Herald)
·71. Longtime Maine West High School girls basketball coach Derril Kipp loses battle with pancreatic cancer at age 71 (Chicago Tribune/Park Ridge Herald-Advocate)
·72. Park Ridge accountant pleads guilty to defrauding Chicago Cubs of $364,000, embezzling $358,208 from cancer patient (Chicago Sun-Times)
·73. Man, woman shot multiple times inside Westchester home (Chicago Tribune)
·74. Aurora Police: Five people shot during Fourth of July weekend (Chicago Sun-Times)
·75. Campton Hills Village Board discusses, but doesn't vote on, firing village administrator (Daily Herald)
·76. While preservationist prepare to fight DuPage Forest Preserve District's move to demolish McKee House at Churchill Woods, Sierra Club argues for building's removal (Daily Herald)
·78. Wheaton City Council approves contract with Lakeshore Recycling Systems that will bring radio-frequency-ID technology to city's garbage collection (Daily Herald)
·79. Chicago man shot multiple times outside Oak Park gas station (Chicago Tribune/Oak Leaves)
·80. Pair of men who carjacked a vehicle in Chicago now sought for fatal shooting of clerk at gas station on 5300 block of Harlem Avenue in Summit (CBS 2)
·81. Palos Park homeowner with valid concealed-carry license shoots two home invaders, leaving one dead, the other wounded (WBBM AM 780)
·82. Lincoln-Way High School District 210 superintendent claimed balanced budget in 2014, but private communication showed he expected $6 million deficit (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·83. Frankfort man killed when semi tractor-trailer collapses on him at Monee industrial facility (Chicago Sun-Times)
·84. Merrillville man shot to death inside his home (Chicago Tribune)
·85. Friday Night Cruise-In brings motorcycle enthusiasts to South Point business park in Valparaiso every Friday evening (Northwest Indiana Times)
·86. Valparaiso police pull drunk man off Rail America tracks two-and-a-half block in front of approaching train (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·87. Bishop Noll Catholic High School graduate Matt Pobereyko heads to Arizona League Diamondbacks after his Independent League contract is bought by MLB team (Northwest Indiana Times)
·88. East Chicago graffiti artists represent area at Indiana State Museum competition (Northwest Indiana Times)
·89. Lake County coroner's office identifies body in Merrillville retention pond as Munster man (Northwest Indiana Times)
·90. Indiana Court of Appeals refuses to reduce mentally-ill LaPorte County man's 60-year sentence in the murder of his brother with a samurai sword (Northwest Indiana Times)
·91. Cook County's slick new website and data portal goes live; site cost taxpayers $1.245 million (Crain's Chicago Business)
·92. Three men from Chicago, Lansing, Lowell appear in U.S. District court in Hammond on charges of trying to buy HUD homes with the intent to sell them for a profit (Northwest Indiana Times)
·93. Zion-area man pleads not guilty to charges he was driving recklessly before a crash that killed girl, her father in Lindenhurst in August 2015 (Daily Herald)
·94. Drone operator flying small, remote-controlled machine over Bangs Lake prompts Wauconda officials to draw up limitations on drone use over public, private properties (Daily Herald)
·95. Objection filed against incumbent Lake County coroner's run for re-election as independent (Daily Herald)
·96. Elgin police chief attends three-week program at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, learns how communities judge departments' success and how money is allocated (Daily Herald)
·97. Des Plaines City Council enacts restrictions on which flags can be flown on city property after Des Plaines Public Library puts up gay-pride flag following mass shooting in Orlando (WBBM AM 780)
·98. Algonquin man pens book inspired by his and his wife's adoption of a show dog (Daily Herald)
·99. Carpentersville suffers power outage after car-vs-semi crash downs power lines at Binnie and Randall roads (Daily Herald)
·100. Trustee who served for 13 years resigns from Arlington Heights Memorial Library board (Daily Herald)
·101. Less than half of requests for grants from Kane County riverboat-casino gambling fulfilled (Daily Herald)
·102. Glen Ellyn college student was found dead last year along Tiber River after traveling to Rome to study at John Cabot University, echoing death of Wisconsin student (NBC 5)
·103. Cicero police officer sustains minor injuries after vehicle he stopped sped away, running over the officer's foot; suspect escaped into Chicago (WBBM AM 780)
·104. Onetime owner of Hollywood Palms, Hollywood Boulevard theaters pleads guilty to tax-evasion and bank-fraud scheme; faces up to 15 years in prison and $6 million in payments (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
·105. West Chicago officials consider building band shell in Reed-Keppler Park; Park District to be responsible for planning and management, while the city will pay for rest (Daily Herald)
·106. Four suspects in attempted home burglary stand charged with death of fifth suspect after Palos Park homeowner with conceal-carry permit fatally shoots man (WBBM AM 780)
·107. Man found dead outside house on 200 block of Miami Street, Park Forest (Chicago Tribune)
·108. 15-year-old Hammond boy shot to death at 1:30 a.m. Thursday on block where he lived (Chicago Sun-Times)
·109. Film about East Chicago outsider artist Peter Anton set in Northwest Indiana to air on PBS, Lakeshore Public Television in September (Northwest Indiana Times)
·110. New state law allows former K-9 partner's cremains to be interred with late Michigan City police officer (Northwest Indiana Times)
·111. Ivy Tech Community College Northwest to restart welding program after 10-year hiatus (Northwest Indiana Times)
·112. Group of Munster residents call for changes or cancellation of St. Thomas More Fun Days following shooting that wounded woman across road at Jewel-Osco (Northwest Indiana Times)
·113. Griffith officials get OK to pursue referendum to secede from Calumet Township (Northwest Indiana Times)
·114. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency takes action to protect residents of East Chicago housing complex from effects of lead-contaminated soil (Northwest Indiana Times)
·115. Stepdaughter of ex-Lake Station mayor sentenced to 6 months home confinement, two years probation, fined $664 as result of her involvement in corruption scandal (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·116. Lakes of the Four Seasons man killed when his car slams into a tree on East 109th Avenue in Winfield; passenger from Crown Point declines medical attention (Northwest Indiana Times)
·117. Portage police arrest 10 people in connection with underage drinking party (Northwest Indiana Times)
·118. Gary man charged with arson after setting ex-girlfriend's car on fire while they talked about their relationship (Northwest Indiana Times)
·119. Northbrook homeowners association seeks to stop housing development on country club property that tests show has high levels of arsenic from century of herbicides, pesticides (Chicago Tribune/Northbrook Star)
·120. Target unveils plans for small-format store at Dempster Street and Bronx Avenue in Skokie; slated to open in 2017 (Crain's Chicago Business)
·121. Chicago man arrested on gun and drug charges after allegedly shooting a Beach Park man multiple times outside Evanston IHOP (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
·122. Lake County Municipal League board of directors chooses officers (Daily Herald)
·123. Arlington Heights 'Pastafarian' convinces Illinois Secretary of State's staff to allow her to wear colander on her head for driver-license photo (Chicago Tribune)
·124. Plainfield man dies three days after being pinned between two vehicles near O'Hare International Airport (Chicago Sun-Times)
·125. Man critically injured when boat crashes into dock on Fox River in Trout Valley (ABC 7)
·126. Motorcyclist killed after being struck by flatbed truck on Route 25 close to Kenyon Road near Bartlett/Elgin (Chicago Sun-Times)
·127. Elgin fire chief announces retirement set for Oct. 10 (Daily Herald)
·128. Illinois Attorney General sues owner of Berwyn apartment building over violation of 1978 Lead Poisoning Prevention Act (Chicago Sun-Times)
·129. 74-year-old woman killed in four-vehicle crash on Route 64 near St. Charles (Chicago Sun-Times)
·130. Carol Stream Public Library accepting applications for trustee position after Patricia Johnson resigns to care for family member; deadline is Sunday, July 17 (Daily Herald)
·131. Former CEO of Lisle-based Navistar fights federal lawsuit that he lied to investors about status of engine technology that was never developed (Crain's Chicago Business)
·132. Villa Park lifeguard saves boy's life on first day on job at Jefferson Pool (NBC 5)
·133. Campton Hills man convicted of choking a family member at Geneva hospital sentenced to 10 years in prison (Chicago Sun-Times)
·134. Man and woman shot in a parking lot early Friday morning in 700 block of North Lake Street in Aurora (Chicago Sun-Times)
·135. Geneva woman jailed for poisoning death of her husband attempts to kill herself again (Daily Herald)
·136. DuPage judge rejects Naperville Township road commissioner's lawsuit seeking full funding; trustees' decision to cut $500,000 from his budget stands (Daily Herald)
·137. Oswego man charged for third time with threatening, stalking Illinois Toll Highway Authority chairman Robert Schillerstrom (Daily Herald)
·138. Preservationists try to save run-down Joliet mansion owned by Civil War veteran who served in 13th Colored Infantry (WBBM AM 780)
·139. Plainfield police receive anonymous thank-you letter in wake of Dallas shooting (NBC 5)
·140. Evergreen Park woman charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly threatening police in a Facebook post (Chicago Tribune)
·141. Monee mayor has been accused of aggressive behavior four times since 2011, but no charges were ever filed (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
·142. Teenager charged in Chicago carjacking that led to murder of gas station clerk in Summit (CBS 2)
·143. Coach at Thornridge High School in Dolton accused of having sex with student after mother catches them undressed in South Holland home (ABC 7)
·144. Crete woman rescues rabid bat from pool, gets bit on hand, neck (WBBM AM 780)
·145. Indianapolis man charged with molesting, incest of two girls in Merrillville (Northwest Indiana Times)
·146. Michigan City doctor develops app to help children eat healthy and fight obesity (Northwest Indiana Times)
·147. Gary parents of three children killed in 2014 Hammond fire caused by propane heater now charged with neglect in their deaths (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
·148. Man charged with domestic battery, criminal confinement, battery causing great bodily harm after breaking car window with brick and beating woman in the face in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
·149. Man, woman from Gary arrested in charges of stealing $3 million from the Internal Revenue Service (Northwest Indiana Times)
·150. Chesterton native and Oklahoma City Thunder forward Mitch McGary suspended for violating NBA's anti-drug policy (Northwest Indiana Times)
·151. Four Portage Township YMCA day-care workers fired after 3-year-old boy was left unattended on a playground on June 30 (Northwest Indiana Times)
·152. Gurnee's Welton Village Plaza on Old Grand Avenue to be ready in time for annual Gurnee Days (Daily Herald)
·153. 47-year-old Cicero man dies from electrocution after making contact with Blue Line train in Oak Park (FOX 32)
·154. DuPage Forest District to post signs reminding users of horseback riders after Wheaton woman thrown from horse which was startled by a mountain bike (Daily Herald)
·155. Tickets for La Grange's Just Desserts Tour summer schedule sell out, but tickets for October now on sale (ABC 7)
·156. Warrenville man injured when motorized glider he was piloting crashes near Newark (Chicago Tribune)
·157. Al's Supermarket location in LaPorte Townsquare Mall closes (Northwest Indiana Times)
·158. Calumet Township assessor's employee to plead guilty to shaking down five businesses in exchange for reduced tax assessments (Northwest Indiana Times)
·159. Two people drown in Lake Michigan off Wells Street Beach in Gary during air show; three others rescued (ABC 7)
·160. Crown Point artist workshop Board & Brush to open new location in Valparaiso (Northwest Indiana Times)
·161. Food-and-nutrition director at East Chicago's St. Catherine Hospital named semi-finalist in Jenny-O How American Burgers contest (Northwest Indiana Times)
·162. Portion of Hammond's Lyman Avenue evacuated while police search chemical-smelling car driven by Valparaiso man (Northwest Indiana Times)
·163. Federal agency says Great Lakes Basin Transportation needs to outline alternate routes for proposed freight bypass (Northwest Indiana Times)
submitted by emememaker73 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, May 28th - Tue, Jun 3rd)

Tulsa's event list. Combined from 11 sources

Wednesday, May 28th

Thursday, May 29th

Friday, May 30th

  • Commerce Days (Sill Park - Commerce) 1 day left Commerce Days welcomes everyone out for a weekend of fun. There will be live music each night from local entertainers…
  • Community Pools + Bitchcraft + Old Powder, New Gun (Soundpony) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Dead Armadillo Pint Night at The Fur Shop (Fur Shop) Start Time: 5:00pm Free Dead Armadillo pint glass with purchase of a dead ball hooligan while supplies last.
    via this comment
  • Drillers (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 7:05pm vs Midland RockHounds News on 6 Friday Night Fireworks
  • Gem Faire (Expo Square: Central Park Hall) Thru Sun, Jun 1st Gem Faire is coming to the Tulsa Expo Square for three days only. Don't miss your opportunity to browse through a…
  • Green River Ordinance (The Vanguard)
  • Oklahoma Renaissance Festival (The Castle of Muskogee - Muskogee) Thru Sun, Jun 1st Step back in time to the 16th century with King Henry VIII, Queen Margaret of Scotland and over 500 costumed performers…
  • SunFest (Sooner Park - Bartlesville) Thru Sun, Jun 1st Bartlesville's SunFest, lovingly known as Oklahoma's biggest outdoor picnic, returns for a long weekend of…
  • Tulsa Athletics (Athletics Stadium) Start Time: 7:30pm vs Liverpool Warriors

Saturday, May 31st

  • 1921: Tulsa Race Riot Memorial Arts Showcase (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure (Hillcrest Hospital South Tulsa, Ok) Register today to ride.Help us Stop Diabetes and help us raise Funds toward a Cure.
    Join us at TourdeCure,unique Tulsa riding experience and finish line party at Hillcrest Hospital South Tulsa,OK ( 8801 S 101st E Ave Tulsa,Ok 74133) on Saturday, May31st ,2014 between 6am to 6pm.
    Don't ride? Come volunteer!
  • Cherry Street Market (6th & Peoria) Start Time: 7:00am
  • Chris Cagle in Concert (Osage Event Center) American country music star Chris Cagle comes to the Osage Event Center at the Osage Casino in Tulsa for a…
  • Commerce Days (Sill Park - Commerce) Last Day Commerce Days welcomes everyone out for a weekend of fun. There will be live music each night from local entertainers…
  • Drillers (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 7:05pm vs Midland RockHounds Fireworks / Tulsa's Channel 8 Grand Slam Saturday
  • Fat Guy's Burgers and Baseball 5k Run (Fat Guys Burgers, Greenwood Business District next to ONEOK Field in downtown) This crowd favorite ends at ONEOK field where participants enjoy complementary burgers and beverages.
    New for 2014 - take the ultimate Fat Guys Challenge - start out by eating a Fat Guys burger at the start of the 5km followed by a shake half way through and finishing with a "manmosa" near the finish. Not for the weak of stomach!
  • Gem Faire (Expo Square: Central Park Hall) 1 day left Gem Faire is coming to the Tulsa Expo Square for three days only. Don't miss your opportunity to browse through a…
  • The Judge Morris Memorial Scholarship Run (River Parks West Festival Park) The 1st Annual Judge Morris Scholarship Run is a benefit run to support Oklahoma Christian University Scholarships. - 5K: $25 before May 18th, $35 after or on race day - Fun Run: $15 before May 18th, $25 after or on race day - T-shirts for pre-registered, and while supplies last on Race Day - 5k race will be on the River West…
  • The Last Slice (The Vanguard)
  • Oilhouse and Friends (Soundpony) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Oklahoma Renaissance Festival (The Castle of Muskogee - Muskogee) 1 day left Step back in time to the 16th century with King Henry VIII, Queen Margaret of Scotland and over 500 costumed performers…
  • Stronger 5K (3500 W New Orleans - Broken Arrow) The Stronger 5K and Fun Run in Broken Arrow is a family friendly event that gives people of all ages and abilities the…
  • SunFest (Sooner Park - Bartlesville) 1 day left Bartlesville's SunFest, lovingly known as Oklahoma's biggest outdoor picnic, returns for a long weekend of…
  • Tulsa Flea Market (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo, Lower Level)
  • White Sea (Brady Theater)

Sunday, Jun 1st

  • Chvrches (Cain's Ballroom)
  • Drillers (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 2:05pm vs Midland RockHounds 2 Works for You Kids Eat Free Souvenir Sunday / Eye Black Giveaway / Kids Baseball Skills Clinic / Kids Run the Bases
  • Gem Faire (Expo Square: Central Park Hall) Last Day Gem Faire is coming to the Tulsa Expo Square for three days only. Don't miss your opportunity to browse through a…
  • Jazzy Sunday on the Green (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 2:00pm
  • Oklahoma Renaissance Festival (The Castle of Muskogee - Muskogee) Last Day Step back in time to the 16th century with King Henry VIII, Queen Margaret of Scotland and over 500 costumed performers…
  • Sunday Market (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 10:00am
  • SunFest (Sooner Park - Bartlesville) Last Day Bartlesville's SunFest, lovingly known as Oklahoma's biggest outdoor picnic, returns for a long weekend of…

Monday, Jun 2nd

I was unable to find any published events for Jun 2nd.

Tuesday, Jun 3rd

See Also

Updated: Wed @ 9:04am
submitted by tulsanewsbot to tulsa [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Feb 10th - Tue, Feb 16th)

Oklahoma City's event list. Combined from 9 sources

Wednesday, Feb 10th

Thursday, Feb 11th

Friday, Feb 12th

Saturday, Feb 13th

Sunday, Feb 14th

Monday, Feb 15th

Tuesday, Feb 16th

submitted by eventbot to okc [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Apr 13th - Tue, Apr 19th)

Tulsa's event list.

Wednesday, Apr 13th

Thursday, Apr 14th

  • APPALACHE (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Tulsa Drillers (ONEOK Field) Thru Sun, Apr 17th Start Time: 7:05am
  • Tulsa Drillers vs Corpus Christi Hooks (ONEOK Field) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience the thrill of the game as the Tulsa Drillers go head to head with the Corpus Christi Hooks. The Drillers…
  • Easter Island Festival (Valley Park Sports Complex - Claremore) Thru Sat, Apr 16th
  • Hillsong Worship (BOK Center) Start Time: 7:00am
  • Judah & The Lion (Cain's Ballroom) Start Time: 8:00pm Judah & the Lion with The Saint Johns Get tickets: (On Sale November 20) This event is all ages Advance $13 | Day of Show $15 | Door $15 There is a $2 fee that applies to each ticket purchased at the Cain's Box Office. No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! Cain's Ballroom will be scaled down for this event.
  • 🎨 Keystone Blue Heron (Tulsa Performing Art Center) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Apr. 1-30 10 am-5:30 pm, M-F, and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery April's exhibit in the PAC Gallery features the work of Sand Springs, Oklahoma artist Joey Frisillo. Joey grew up in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and pursued her early love of drawing as a Fine Arts major at Miami University of Ohio. Her journey into the w... FREE
  • Lucky Tubb and The Modern Day Troubadours (Mercury Lounge) Start Time: 10:00pm Thu Apr 14 10:00 PM
    Lucky Tubb and The Modern Day Troubadours 
  • Michael Fracasso (Soul City)
  • Oh Whata Night (Whataburger - Claremore) Start Time: 5:00pm On Thursday, April 14, Whataburger customers can show their support for Claremont Elementary School by enjoying their favorite menu items, and 20 percent of Whataburger’s sales from 5 to 8 p.m. will be donated to the school. To add to the fun, there will also be a photo booth at the event.
  • Outcry Tour (BOK Center) Start Time: 5:30pm Head to Tulsa's BOK Center to see the Outcry Tour. This one night event will feature performances by Hillsong…
  • 😂 Skip Clark (Loony Bin) Thru Sat, Apr 16th
  • Tyler Bryant (The Hunt Club) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • with2016 (Easter Island Festival - Keetonville) Start Time: 4:00pm

Friday, Apr 15th

  • afistaface (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • An evening of Classical Acoustic Music w/ Andrew Michael Bruce (Gypsy Coffee House & Cyber Cafe) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎓 Audi Club Oklahoma Autocross (Expo Square) Start Time: 9:00am
  • Tulsa Auto Show (Expo Square) Start Time: 10:00am The Tulsa International Auto Show presents all your favorite makes and models of new cars and trucks in world class…
  • Barry Manilow (BOK Center) Start Time: 7:30pm Visit the BOK Center in Tulsa to see Barry Manilow live in concert on the One Last Time Tour. He will be joined by…
  • Clint Black (River Spirit Casino) Start Time: 8:00pm Come out to see one of country music's brightest stars as Clint Black comes to River Spirit Casino in Tulsa for…
  • Daniel Markham Full Band and John Calvin Abney (Mercury Lounge) Start Time: 10:00pm Fri Apr 15 10:00 PM
    Daniel Markham Full Band and John Calvin Abney 
  • Tulsa Drillers (ONEOK Field) Thru Sun, Apr 17th Start Time: 7:05am
  • Tulsa Drillers vs Corpus Christi Hooks (ONEOK Field) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience the thrill of the game as the Tulsa Drillers go head to head with the Corpus Christi Hooks. The Drillers…
  • Easter Island Festival (Valley Park Sports Complex - Claremore) 1 day left
  • Fiddler on the Roof (Theatre Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm April 15-30, 2016. Book by Joseph Stein Music by Jerry Bock Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick Based on Sholem Aleichem’s stories by special permission of Arnold Perl A fresh, yet familiar take on the all-time classic tale of faith, family, and tradition! Mark Frie, Jean Valjean from Les Misérables, stars as Tevye – a poor Jewish milkman struggling…
  • 🎨 Keystone Blue Heron (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Apr. 1-30 10 am-5:30 pm, M-F, and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery April's exhibit in the PAC Gallery features the work of Sand Springs, Oklahoma artist Joey Frisillo. Joey grew up in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and pursued her early love of drawing as a Fine Arts major at Miami University of Ohio. Her journey into the w... FREE
  • Liquid Geography (Tulsa Ballet) Thru Sun, Apr 17th Start Time: 8:00pm Full Description coming soon.
  • Miles Williams & Hammer Down (Full Moon Cafe - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • My So Called Band (The Vanguard) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Nicnos Cd Release (The Shrine) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Ok, So...Tulsa Story Slam Grand Slam (IDL Ballroom) Start Time: 8:00pm Ok, so...Tulsa Story Slam presents our third annual Grand Slam where our last years monthly winners compete for "Tulsa's Best Storyteller" with a new true story from their life.
  • $ Rogers County Home & Garden Show (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Day 1 of 2 This spring home and garden show will feature a wide variety of home products, lawn and garden equipment, seminars and…
  • Senior Spring Fling (Chandler Park) Start Time: 6:00pm Come and kick it old school! Enjoy an evening of dancing and reminiscing as a DJ plays tunes from the 50s to the 70s. Lite refreshments provided. Games and door prizes. Tickets: $5 in advance, $6 at the door. Ages: 55+ Caroline Storjohann (918) 591-6053
  • 😂 Skip Clark (Loony Bin) 1 day left
  • Vintage Market Days (Creek County Fairgrounds - Kellyville) Day 1 of 2 is an upscale open air market featuring vintage and vintage inspired collections for all ages. Named…

Saturday, Apr 16th

  • 🏃 6th Annual Give-N-Glow 5K Glow Run (Verdigris Football Field - Claremore) Register early online or at the event. Registration start at 6:00. 1K Fun Run is at 7:30 and the 5K Glow Run starts at 8:40. Medals will be awarded per age group and Gift Cards given to the first male and first female runner to finish the 5K.
  • 😂 Amy Schumer (BOK Center) Start Time: 8:00pm has proven herself one of the entertainment industry's leading forces as a stand-up comedian, actress, writer, producer and director. Schumer is the creator, star, writer and executive producer of the award winning Inside Amy Schumer, the popular Comedy Central television series. The show, which is currently in production on Season 4 was…
  • Audi Club Oklahoma Autocross (Expo Square: Fair Meadows Race Track)
  • Breakfast + Busty Brunettes (Happy Hour Show) (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • The Cadillac Three (Cain's Ballroom) Start Time: 7:00pm Oklahoma Central Credit Union presentsThe Cadillac ThreeBrad HargroveSat Apr 16Doors: 7:00 pm / Show: 8:00 pm This event is all ages
  • Cherry Street Farmers Market Thru Wed, Apr 13th Start Time: 8:30am
  • Tulsa Drillers (ONEOK Field) 1 day left Start Time: 7:05am
  • Easter Island Festival (Valley Park Sports Complex - Claremore) Last Day
  • 🏃 Evergreen Fitness Fest (Evergreen Church South - Bixby) Take on a trail/neighborhood 5K or be a part of the family fun run or kids' bike races April 18 to support the orphan ministry of Evergreen Church. Plus: enjoy a pancake breakfast, age group and overall awards, as well as bouncy houses for the kids.
  • Fiddler on the Roof (Theatre Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm April 15-30, 2016. Book by Joseph Stein Music by Jerry Bock Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick Based on Sholem Aleichem’s stories by special permission of Arnold Perl A fresh, yet familiar take on the all-time classic tale of faith, family, and tradition! Mark Frie, Jean Valjean from Les Misérables, stars as Tevye – a poor Jewish milkman struggling…
  • Tulsa Flea Market (Expo Square: Exchange Center)
  • Harvest Thieves (Mercury Lounge) Start Time: 10:00pm Sat Apr 16 10:00 PM
    Harvest Thieves 
  • 🎡 Herbal Affair & Festival (Triangle Park - Sand Springs) The annual Herbal Affair & Festival in Sand Springs features over 100 vendors selling medicinal, cooking and…
  • Hogs 4 Service Dogs Poker Run Start Time: 9:00am Rev up the engine and head to the Hogs 4 Service Dogs Poker Run in northeast Oklahoma. Beginning in Tulsa at Glad Wags…
  • Liquid Geography (Tulsa Ballet) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00pm Full Description coming soon.
  • A night of rockin music w/ Super Darren 65 live . (Gypsy Coffee House & Cyber Cafe) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Oil Boom, Quiet Company (The Vanguard) Start Time: 8:00pm LOCAL TBA, LOCAL TBA
  • Beggs Open Rodeo (Tulsa RV Ranch Event Center - Beggs) Save the date for the Beggs Open Rodeo this April. This exciting event has all the makings of a great rodeo, complete…
  • Quilt, Art & Music Festival & Earth Day Celebration (The Garden Deva Sculpture Co.) Artists, musicians, quilters and environmentalists all come together for the Quilt, Art & Music Festival & Earth…
  • $ Rogers County Home & Garden Show (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Day 2 of 2 This spring home and garden show will feature a wide variety of home products, lawn and garden equipment, seminars and…
  • Tulsa Roots Music Bash (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 2:30pm The Tulsa Roots Music Bash is an exciting celebration of global and local music. This all-day festival features eclectic…
  • 🎡 Tulsa Roots Music Bash: Fishbone, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Arlene Gould, Count Tutu, & More (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 2:30pm
  • 🏃 Scrub Run 5K and Fun Run (OSU Center for Health Sciences) Join us for OSU Center for Health Science's 37th Annual 5K Scrub Run or 1-mile Fun Run. If you're for kids and against cancer, this is the run for you. Scrubs are encouraged but not required!
  • shivery shakes + dead shakes (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 😂 Skip Clark (Loony Bin) Last Day
  • SoCo Book Swap (South County Recreation Center) Start Time: 10:00am Bring a book to trade and leave with a new-to-you book! It's an inexpensive way to exchange books, learn about new books and get a new one to read, without paying high prices at a bookstore. The more books you bring, the more you take home! 1:1 book exchange. Sign up: at location All Ages Free More Info: South County Recreation Center (918)…
  • Spring Fling Arts & Crafts Show (Bixby Community Center - Bixby) Hop in your car and make the drive to Bixby for an afternoon of fun at the Spring Fling Arts & Crafts Show. Browse…
  • The Tennis Ball @ LaFortune Park (Lafortune Community Center) Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by the Hale Family Foundation THE 2016 TENNIS BALL
  • Tyler Brant (Turnpike Tavern - Coweta) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Vintage Market Days (Creek County Fairgrounds - Kellyville) Day 2 of 2 is an upscale open air market featuring vintage and vintage inspired collections for all ages. Named…

Sunday, Apr 17th

  • The Damn Quails (Guthrie Green)
  • Tulsa Drillers (ONEOK Field) Last Day Start Time: 7:05am
  • Tulsa Drillers vs San Antonio Missions (ONEOK Field) Start Time: 1:05pm Come experience the thrill of the game as the Tulsa Drillers go head to head with the San Antonio Missions. The Drillers baseball games are held at the ONEOK Field, a state-of-the-art field located in downtown Tulsa. Bring out the whole family, snap a picture with Hornsby the bull and cheer on the home team.
  • Drive-By Truckers (Cain's Ballroom) Start Time: 8:00am Catch the full blown energy of a Drive-By Truckers show when the band stops at Cain’s Ballroom in Tulsa. With…
  • Fiddler on the Roof (Theatre Tulsa) Thru Tue, Apr 19th Start Time: 8:00pm April 15-30, 2016.
    Book by Joseph Stein Music by Jerry Bock Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick
    Based on Sholem Aleichem’s stories by special permission of Arnold Perl
    A fresh, yet familiar take on the all-time classic tale of faith, family, and tradition! Mark Frie, Jean Valjean from Les Misérables, stars as Tevye – a poor Jewish milkman…
  • Liquid Geography (Tulsa Ballet) Last Day Start Time: 8:00pm Full Description coming soon.
  • Open Fields (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • OPENING DAY: KOSU Sunday Concert with Carter Sampson, Pilgrim, and The Damn Quails (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 2:30pm
  • Opera & Film: Samson and Delilah (Circle Cinema) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🎓 Rogers County Home & Garden Show (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) This spring home and garden show will feature a wide variety of home products, lawn and garden equipment, seminars and an extensive selection of plants and flowers. Held at the Claremore Expo Center, the Rogers County Home & Garden Show offers visitors the opportunity to browse through commercial vendor booths in a family-friendly environment.…
  • 🏃 Tulsa Area Triathletes 2016 Spring Fever Tri (Jenks Aquatic Center - Jenks) Join us as we kick-off this year's Tulsa Area Triathletes (TAT) Spring Fever.
    New location!!! Jenks Aquatic Center at Jenks HS!
    This short sprint triathlon is a great race for beginners and the experienced racer. The swim is a 400 meter snake pool swim followed by a 12 mile road bike course, ending with a 2 mile flat road run.
  • TULSA'S MOST JUMPIN' KARAOKE! w. the charming RON HAMMOND (Mainline) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Vintage Market Days (Creek County Fairgrounds - Kellyville) is an upscale open air market featuring vintage and vintage inspired collections for all ages. Named as one of Country Living Magazine's "7 Flea Markets & Barn Sales You Won't Want To Miss," this show will feature over 100 of the best vintage vendors with over 200 booths filled with unique items. Vintage Market Days is a weekend of shopping,…

Monday, Apr 18th

  • 🎡 2016 Kona Ice CHILL OUT DAY (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 11:00am
  • Tulsa Drillers (ONEOK Field) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 12:05pm
  • Tulsa Drillers vs San Antonio Missions (ONEOK Field) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 12:05pm Come experience the thrill of the game as the Tulsa Drillers go head to head with the San Antonio Missions. The Drillers baseball games are held at the ONEOK Field, a state-of-the-art field located in downtown Tulsa. Bring out the whole family, snap a picture with Hornsby the bull and cheer on the home team.
  • Fiddler on the Roof (Theatre Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00pm April 15-30, 2016.
    Book by Joseph Stein Music by Jerry Bock Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick
    Based on Sholem Aleichem’s stories by special permission of Arnold Perl
    A fresh, yet familiar take on the all-time classic tale of faith, family, and tradition! Mark Frie, Jean Valjean from Les Misérables, stars as Tevye – a poor Jewish milkman…
  • Flying Balalaika Brothers (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎨 Keystone Blue Heron (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Apr. 1-30 10 am-5:30 pm, M-F, and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery April's exhibit in the PAC Gallery features the work of Sand Springs, Oklahoma artist Joey Frisillo. Joey grew up in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and pursued her early love of drawing as a Fine Arts major at Miami University of Ohio. Her journey into the w... FREE
  • Lulu (Cox Business Center) Start Time: 7:00pm

Tuesday, Apr 19th

  • David Liebe Hart (The Vanguard) Start Time: 8:00pm Evan Hughes, Landry Miller, The Riot Waves, The Lizard Police, The Decomposed
  • Tulsa Drillers (ONEOK Field) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 12:05pm
  • Tulsa Drillers vs San Antonio Missions (ONEOK Field) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 12:05pm Come experience the thrill of the game as the Tulsa Drillers go head to head with the San Antonio Missions. The Drillers baseball games are held at the ONEOK Field, a state-of-the-art field located in downtown Tulsa. Bring out the whole family, snap a picture with Hornsby the bull and cheer on the home team.
  • Fiddler on the Roof (Theatre Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 8:00pm April 15-30, 2016.
    Book by Joseph Stein Music by Jerry Bock Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick
    Based on Sholem Aleichem’s stories by special permission of Arnold Perl
    A fresh, yet familiar take on the all-time classic tale of faith, family, and tradition! Mark Frie, Jean Valjean from Les Misérables, stars as Tevye – a poor Jewish milkman…
  • 🎨 Keystone Blue Heron (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Apr. 1-30 10 am-5:30 pm, M-F, and during Chapman Music Hall events :: PAC Gallery April's exhibit in the PAC Gallery features the work of Sand Springs, Oklahoma artist Joey Frisillo. Joey grew up in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and pursued her early love of drawing as a Fine Arts major at Miami University of Ohio. Her journey into the w... FREE
  • Tulsa's Longest Running All Original Works Open Mic !!!! (Gypsy Coffee House & Cyber Cafe) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • trivia with jack (Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 8:30pm

See Also

submitted by tulsanewsbot to tulsa [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Aug 19th - Tue, Aug 25th)

Tulsa's event list. Combined from 13 sources

Wednesday, Aug 19th

Thursday, Aug 20th

Friday, Aug 21st

Saturday, Aug 22nd

Sunday, Aug 23rd

  • Acoustic August Concert Series (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 2:30pm
  • Aqua Haven Pool & Spa Show (Expo Square: Central Park Hall) Last Day
  • The Bead Market (Expo Square: Ford Truck Exhibit Hall) Day 2 of 2
  • Carter Sampson & Erik the viking (Mercury Lounge) Start Time: 10:00pm Sun Aug 23 10:00 PM ___ Carter Sampson & Erik the viking
  • DarkuJ (The Soundpony Lounge) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Fleet Feet Triathlon (East Blue Starr Drive - Claremore) Lake Claremore Triathlon DATE/TIME: Sunday August 23rd at 7:00am LOCATION: Claremore…
  • Just Between Friends (Expo Square: Exchange Center) Thru Sat, Aug 29th Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Sharp Dressed Men (Loony Bin)
  • Spamalot (Tulsa Performing Art Center) Last Day Spamalot Aug. 7-8, 13-15, 20-22 at 8 p.m., Aug. 8-9, 15-16, 22-23 at 2 p.m. :: John H.…
  • Tulsa Drillers vs Frisco Roughriders (ONEOK Field) Last Day Start Time: 7:05pm Come experience the thrill of the game as the Tulsa Drillers go head to head with the…
  • Tulsa Drillers vs Midland Rockhounds (ONEOK Field) Last Day Come experience the thrill of the game as the Tulsa Drillers go head to head with the…

Monday, Aug 24th

  • Just Between Friends (Expo Square: Exchange Center) Thru Sat, Aug 29th Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Open Mic Night (Guthrie Green) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • The Pipeline + Energy Expo (Cox Business Center) Start Time: 8:00am The Pipeline + Energy Expo is the premier oil, gas & energy conference and trade show…
  • RunnersWorld Tulsa Couch to 5K Training (RunnersWorld Tulsa 3920 S. Peoria) Are you a Beginner runner, been walking and ready to start running or just need some…

Tuesday, Aug 25th

See Also

submitted by tulsanewsbot to tulsa [link] [comments]

Some Ideas for Reddit's Austin Poker Club.

I had some ideas for the Reddit Austin Poker Club, and I wanted to get your feedback.
First, I'd -really- like to be able to get to at least 12 people regularly, with two tables. The reason for this is simply that I've found that with the tournament structure that we're using, when you bust out, you have to wait a -long- time before the cash game opens up to play. What I'd like to do is set up two tables, and when six players bust out, set up the cash game there. If you have any friends/family, whatever, who would be interested in playing, that'd be great.
I'd also like to standardize the rules for the tournament, and put them on the Reddit for everyone to read before they sit down and play. Alot of questions came up last session, like "What is a Straddle?" and "What is a chop?" I think we could do with an FAQ.
I'm also interested in setting up a "grand prize" tournament for 2012. The idea is that every tournament, we take an amount out of the prize pool, and put it aside. At the end of the year, we should have a HUGE pot to play for, and we can set up a "freeroll" tournament based on participation; entering a tournament gets you, say, 100 chips for playing, with a bonus 50, 100, and 200 chips for 3rd, 2nd, and 1st places in a tournament, respectively. By the end of the year, everyone has a chance to play, but those who have played the most and helped build the club have the best chance!
Additionally, maybe someday we can pull off a roadtrip to Oklahoma to play some $1/2 (for the very adventureous!) at the Winstar World Casino.
Finally, I'd like to encourage winners to voluntarily give a portion of their winnings to the "Bad Beat on Cancer." Just wanted to mention that.
-- Brian Boyko
submitted by BrianBoyko to AustinPoker [link] [comments]

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